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  • Ramanisky20

    wonder what that flag on the right represents?

  • Ramanisky20

    Mr. President put the Quran down and come out with your hands out ... ahh up.

    • Gotta love our freedom. Go America.formed
    • Quran/Bible same fairy talemoldero
    • the quran is actually a very good read. far less fairytale than the bible.sine
  • instrmntl0

    This Is the Supreme Court's Shutdown

  • ukit20

    The Tea Party Is Giving Anarchism a Bad Name


    • Strangely intelligent article for the Washington Postukit2
  • Akagiyama0


  • ohhhhhsnap0
  • yurimon0

    this supposedly the print out of the regulations surrounding the passing of the health act. it varies from what i heard about in terms of pages. from 10K to 20k so far from different sources. 2.8 million words. I would like to confirm but I dont have time on this one. so if anyone has some ink and paper. hola back.

    • How is that different from the books that you have to read now? (HMO's, Medicare, etc., etc.)formed
    • There is always a gap between what this is sold as and actual results.yurimon
    • on those provisions there's a lot of white space tho... how to account for that?ohhhhhsnap
    • I guess bureaucrats know best then. my badyurimon
    • Fake.nb
  • formed0

    If we are talking conspiracy theory, which has at least something grounded in reality, then this would all look exactly like Yuri pointed out - divide and conquer.

    Religious nut jobs - easy target, just point the finger (I saw some on Yahoo (I know, shouldn't be ready those absurbd commented...if you REALLY want to lose faith in any logic in humanity, go there) calling anyone not ok with "gotta cut debt with any consequence" (stated more eloquently here, of course) "Libbies")

    Here we have the Tea Partiers (ironic, I think, that "partiers" is in their title as all they seem to do is nothing amongst themselves, laugh at others and point fingers) momentum. Talk about Christian "values". "Freedom" comes up, too, which is a convenient one to talk some smack about guns and how we should all carry one, preferably an assault rifle (why not just let them all be full auto, right? It'd probably be safer because idiots that weren't trained well would empty a clip in seconds, mostly at the ceiling) and NO ONE should dictate anything about health.

    Wealthy - next we have the wealthy. They've become more absurdly disproportionate to the rest of the country it makes my head hurt. There is the "don't penalize the successful" campaign that is almost as good as "trickle down theory". "Don't penalize the 'job creators'" was a great one, but then, BAM, they didn't create jobs with all that money.
    Most of them don't care for or about the TP's, just that the TP's are pushing an agenda that benefits the wealthy the most. Good planning, if that is, indeed, a 'plot' (Koch brothers, ahem).

    The Rest of Us - try to decipher "logic", get stressed and frustrated, and keep scratching our head at the idiots in washington and the nut jobs that are back some of them. We all want universal health care, sound education (we got a bill here to put music classes back in for $133/year. WTF?! They take music classes out to save a few hundred bucks?!), opportunities, fair gov't w/o wars, reliable infrastructure, etc., etc. All, seemingly logical stuff that everyone would want.

    Ultimately, people are lazy (and stupid). Washington has given us a distracting soap opera that further polarizes - divides - America. There's not really even anything to educate yourself on, the titles of the stories tell the entire story.

    The reality is that none of it matters. Just look at the Monsanto debates, GMO's, wars, etc. It doesn't matter who votes for what, those things are happening everyday, regardless of party.

    I am starting to believe that this is a just a shell game. Distraction with deliberate purposes. Not everyone, of course, but the real players (Monsanto, Halliburton, etc., etc.) are still doing the deals behind closed doors. Those decisions WILL impact us, and w/o watchdog groups, no one will no (Monsanto Act anyone?).

    I just want my little crumb so I can hoard it in the corner. A crumb that I can pay for the things I want, enjoy life, and shrug at much of the nonsense (though I'll still pay too much attention, I am sure).

    For better or worse, Wall Street has shrugged this office as a side show. As warped as that is, I'll have more faith in that than anything Washington does.

    (yeah, I get carried away with the parentheses) :-)

  • mg330

    I need a chip installed in my phone, computer, and TV that filters out ignorance, or at least prevents me from visiting the wrong websites.It's my own fault I guess, in wanting to see both sides of things. It's really mentally draining to see how willfully stupid so much of society has become in terms of politics - the very worst of it being both excessive and extreme patriotism that's really just racism, and some Bible-toting "Christians" who seem to have unlearned vast parts of the Bible that deal with helping the less fortunate, the sick, and the poor, and think that the country was actually founded on religious ideals. It wasn't, and facts support that.

    My mind goes into shutdown mode when I try and rationalize how people back up their thought that the US was founded on religious beliefs, rather than founded to allow people to believe whatever they want, and NOT let religion fuel decisions. It's been up to individual leaders throughout our history to choose how religion affects their individual decision making; it hasn't been the political basis for how they should make a decision, ever, and it never should be, because THAT is indeed written in the Constitution. It's just so twisted how a group of people turn one cheek and try to make you believe they're the most God-fearing, toe-the-line Christian one minute, and the next they're opposing anything that looks like helping someone in need, someone who is sick, or trying to I'm so tired of willful ignorance and willful stupidity, and of this bubble that people surround themselves with to support their beliefs. Again, I probably bring it on myself by reading the wrong websites, but we're suffering through such idiocy in this country that it's just too much to wrap your mind around sometimes.

    • "no people can be both ignorant and free." Thomas Jefferson -
  • ohhhhhsnap0

  • ZOOP0

    Here's what kills me about this dog and pony show; it's the same party that did everything they could think of to make Obama a one-term president by hurting the economy and the people by default, and got their asses handed to them. The next elections should be interesting. I think enough of the people are becoming informed and more aware, regardless of what some media outlets would prefer we believe.

  • ukit20

    The best tool they have to divide and conquer is apathy. Once you decide that everything is rigged and give up, it doesn't matter if there is a conspiracy or not, the result is the same.

  • yurimon0
  • yurimon0

    Just to add to the debate here, Most of you, are just as delusional as the politicians. Most people forget the role of government as intended in a free society. But Also Whats in the public eye and put up for debate, is all boosheet. Cover stories.. etc. News about Washington DC is the New WWF for people to root for or boo the different sides that are really not different from each other in their neglect of their duties or contempt to the people via cronyism and corporatism . same shit. been like that for a long time. not getting any better as a good chunk of people getting dumber, more complacent, apathetic.robotic. Divide and conquer. It works every time. has so for thousands of years.

    • wow, we agree on something ;-)formed
    • The Affordable healthcare act, do you not think it is a good thing?ohhhhhsnap
    • Well put thoohhhhhsnap
    • Did you read the affordable healthcare act? 33,000 pages of regulations.yurimon
    • i havent!ohhhhhsnap
    • Here's the Affordable Care Act. It's 906 pages, also take formatting into consideration.IRNlun6
    • Not the easiest read but then again I wouldn't expect a law of this magnitude to be an easy read.IRNlun6
    • Then again maybe that's the problem. 'merica isn't known for its attention span.IRNlun6
    • link would help... http://www.gpo.gov/f…IRNlun6
    • 33,000 PAGES??? Where are you getting that number?nb
    • your broad brush strokes sound interesting but are vacuous. What's your point?monkeyshine
    • tx RINIohhhhhsnap
    • Im currently on page 15,007moldero
    • The regulations surounding the bill is different. they passed a bill and published regulations rules, etc. about 10k pages or more.yurimon
    • once again, you tell everyone they're helpless, yet fail miserably at providing any sort of solutionmonospaced
  • IRNlun60

    ^ I read or listen to right wing news sources sometimes to try and be informed on their positions, but lately I find after doing so I have a really hard time sleeping. As much as I like to at least listen to their opinions I really just can't handle it much any more. It's all just too damn angry and just completely laking any accountability or any resemblance of respect for a differing opinion. I'm generalizing but they're fucking exhausting.

    • +1. I grow equally frustrated at the fact that it will never get better, only worse. More division, more vitriol.mg33
    • Don't even waste your time, listen to different views instead. Outside of American political spectrum.ukit2
    • Both sides are this way. You are doing the same thing by watching CNN.404NotFound
  • mg330

    I know I invite the frustration in my brain by watching Fox News in occasion, but Sean Hannity is ignorant garbage. Last night he called this "a democrat fueled shut down" which surprised me because I thought he'd praise republicans for having the balls to enact the shutdown.

    And tonight he referred to it as "the Obama Reid shutdown."

    That man is such a delusional creep.

    • Every station is delusional towards their party. The media is pretty much worthless.404NotFound
  • boobs0

    After viewing new polls, the House GOP is not only planning on re-opening the government, but they're also considering opening second government for good measure.

  • ukit20

    Maybe this really is the end and the beginning of a new stage in world history where we have no government...consult Benfal's survivalism thread for helpful tips.

  • ukit20

    I like how Republicans are willing to shut down the government and risk defaulting on the debt, but they get upset over shutting down parks and monuments. You'd think that would be the least important aspect in all this.

    • but it's a better photo op and provides easy soundbytes for their faux outragemonkeyshine
  • prophetone0