Lightroom 4 vs Aperture 3
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- 19 Responses
- CincodeMayo
Been using Aperture 3. I like it, don't necessarily love it, but it gets the job done.
There are some good sales on Lightroom 4 so I'm thinking of purchasing that. What does everyone here use? Is Lightroom 4 worth it? Seen it advertised a few places anywhere from $70-99 right now.
- pango0
never like any of them. but if I have to choose I'd go with LR. Aperture is just too slow.
- mg330
I started using Lightroom last summer and have really enjoyed it. Never used Aperture. I say go with LR.
- CincodeMayo0
Thanks pango and mg33. Think I'm gonna do it. The price is right and although I've heard Lightroom 5 is around the corner, seems like it's a good investment for now.
- nb0
Raw conversion is pretty much the same, in my opinion.
Lightroom is better for almost everything else: workflow, file management, organization, and especially going back and forth between Photoshop. Using Photoshop with Aperture can be frustrating.
The one thing I like about Aperture is the 3-way Colour Corrector. I would love a Lightroom plugin that does it, as I love using it on tethered shoots when clients are in the room. It's the only reason I keep Aperture around.
Aperture is a fantastic app, but Lightroom has a slight edge on it.
- 3 way?pango
- tether worked find for me on LR. can't remember the last time I used aperture for tether tho...pango
- aperture act as the replacement for iPhoto for me lol fucking hate iPhoto but apple photo cloud is on limited apps only :(pango
- It's nice to tether shoot and have the 3-way Colour Corrector adjusting the images as they come in for preview.nb
- ate we thinking the same 3 way?pango
- mg330
I like Lightroom because I feel like I learn something new every time I use it. I guess that's the case for anything probably. But lately started to use some of the actual tools (grad filter, adjustment brush, spot removal) and it was nice to not have to go into PS for these tools.
As far as the next version, I've not heard this, but I'm assuming that Lightroom is destined to be a tool available outside the CS Subscription model, right?
- CincodeMayo0
I'd assume Adobe would include the new (and current for now) version of Lightroom in the cloud subscription, but I'm sure there's a ton of people who would be purchasing this app only. Not sure what they're going to do about that going forward.
For simple edits, I usually do them right in Aperture. It's worked out pretty well. For tougher ones I go to Photoshop. I'm assuming Lightroom is pretty similar in that aspect?
- They do include it in cloud. I use it with that service.sublocked
- cruddlebub0
i have LR 3 with the VSCO film pack and i love it!
- Same here. I got VSCO Film 02 recently and it's been a great asset. See recent pics: www.michaelgallegy.c…...mg33
- geez, www.michaelgallegly...mg33
- WTF? It's cutting off the end. add a .com and you're good to go.mg33
- Except I have LR 4mg33
- willow city is a great shotcruddlebub
- and i can only get pack 1cruddlebub
- jaylarson0
lightroom 4 just got a major boost over 3. and 5 is coming out soon!
- GeorgesIV0
for my quick non professional photo retouch, I use pixelmator,
don't hate me for it :(
- CincodeMayo0
Couldn't pass up the deal on Lightroom 4. Cost about $74 bucks with shipping on Check it out if you're in the market.
- Nathan_Adams0
I personally prefer the workflow of Aperture over Lightroom, but have been using Lightroom lately as I bought a Fuji XE-1, and initially Lightroom had a beta out with support for the x-trans RAW whereas Aperture didn't (although it does now). VSCO Film works just a bit better in Lightroom too (thanks to camera profiles, and an actual film grain control).
- Why don't they make a plugin/action for PS???? Dammit.formed
- inteliboy0
Lightroom is supported far better and is going to stick around for a long time. Aperture is a no go, I don't really trust Apple and their "Pro" division anymore.
- formed0
Lr is great for the simple and fast stuff. I do my raw stuff there and I've been pleasantly surprised by some of the presets you can combine, but I still don't like the lack of control you get in PS.
- photishop does everything while LR and APTR is more tailored for photos. I'm captain obvious.pango
- vaxorcist0
Lightroom is quite nice for the brushes and low-light noise.... Capture one seems to have the best skin tone i've ever seen in a RAW converter, but not so great with bad light high ISO work... capture one was originally made for the capture one medium format backs, but works nicely on Nikon/Canon files.... it is a smaller company and it is a bit more tempermental than adobe lightroom....
Hasselblad's Phocus is pretty nice and last I checked was free and on the mac at least, it could read RAW files from many other camera manufacturers, as I believe it used apple's raw converter ... not as many brushes, but nice skin tone... and yes, it's used on hassle camera shoots... or at least was when I was a digital assistant...
- CincodeMayo0
I lied. Returned Lightroom 4 and keeping Aperture for the time being. Realized that transferring photos and photo edits to Lightroom ain't an easy task. Going to stick with Aperture for the time being and hope Apple announces updates/new version sometime soon. I also like how it's easy to Photo Stream shots to my iPad directly from Aperture. Not a huge feature, but definitely a benefit. I'll probably make the switch in the near future though, but sticking it out for now til I figure out the best way to switch.
That said, in case I decide to make the change, any easy methods for switching from one to the other?
- formed0
Lightroom can be a nightmare of file organizing. I've also had significant problems with it auto-renaming files when I'd open/close/open them (it would save a new file with -Edit added on and saved in the project root folder).
If you change your workflow to how Lr works, it can be superb. Great for exporting multiple versions of the same file (for web, for print, etc.).
I love it, but took a while to adjust my workflow to it. I do all basic raw editing there, go to PS for real editing, then Lr for exporting.
- sine0
is there a way to clear/empty the library so i can re-import and start from scratch? re-install the only option?