Gay Marriage

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  • 6 Responses
  • GeorgesIV0

    I'll write a long fuckn list of reasons why I'm against it:

    that was easy to write, now I feel better

  • monospaced0

    fucking stupid part is that we're talking about one church among hundreds, one belief system in the mess, one singular group of hypocritical moral evangelists who are hell bent on keeping us in the dark ages

  • hans_glib0

    the controversy is semantics pure and simple.

    gays want to be "married"

    the church says that "marriage" is a sanctity between a man and a woman in order to procreate (or summat like that)

    therefore gays can't "marry" as they aren't a man and a woman procreating, they're a man and a man (or woman and woman) joining together and they can't procreate.

    the church doesn't object to a civil union because it isn't a "marriage", it's a civil union.

    but this isn't good enough for (some) gays who want to be "married".

    even though "marriage" and civil union is one and the same thing.

    so they slap each others face arguing over a word.

    • Yeah gays are really annoying about it.numero1
    • church should have no fucking say in the fucking matter of what a marriage is or isn't, that's the fucking problem!monospaced
    • the church isn't government. symantics are simple enough, but these guys are going where they shouldn'tmonospaced
    • for fuck's sake! the church invented marriage! Of course they own it...hans_glib
    • what i'm saying it's a big fuss over nothing. the church and gays should just stfu and let each other get on with their liveshans_glib
    • lives.

      and stop whining.
    • it's the recognition and government benefit.pango
    • If you think the church invented marriage, your'e a fucking idiot who probably also thinks the world is 10K years old toomonospaced
  • kingkong0

    The state shouldn't impose it's moral views on the church. End of.

    We separated the church from state in most countries for that very reason to stop one influencing the other. It should be up to individual religions as to whether they marry same sex couples according to their religion, not the state.

    Personally I'm not religious and have a civil union with my wife. I didnt get married in a church because it isn't our club.

    If you dont like the club dont be a part of it.

    I actually find it a bit odd that in the pursuit of perceived equality of one group we denigrate the beliefs of another.

    I find the whole thing a bit fucking odd frankly. Why want to join a club that doesnt want you.

    • the church doesn't marry people. the state does.sine
    • but i get what you're saying.sine
    • the church does marry people, the state then recognises that union in legal terms. In the Uk anyway.kingkong
    • the church can do whatever it wants, but nothing's done until you sign the court papersmonospaced
    • and the CHURCH shouldn't impose ITS moral views on the state. You got it backwardmonospaced
  • sine0

    because people have strong opinions on it. either for or against, allowing politicians to align with voters, whether they care about it or not.

  • d_rek0

    Because people are fucking stupid.

  • BusterBoy

    In light of the events in NZ, can I just ask, why is this even an issue in the 21st century? Surely if people want to get married, just let them bloody do it and get on with things. There are far more important things that need the attention of our politicians than gay marriage.

    One thing that really annoys me is religious zealots who proclaim it is wrong...that marriage must only be between a man and a woman. What the hell has religion got to do with marriage anyway? Why aren't these people campaigning against atheist marriages?