Freelance vs $120k?

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  • 51 Responses
  • Hombre_Lobo0

    Pleased sticking with freelance worked out for you. What do you do out of curiosity? Good thread, many learn.

    • check out previous page, my post near the bottomrandommail
  • breadlegz0

    I have kids, mortgage etc etc and still prefer / manage the self employed life.

    Just get even better at promoting yourself, get better clients, up your rates and get to the 200k a year mark (if that's what you want).

  • A020

    Like Robo mentioned... bringing in a partner is an interesting option as well. You could do a collective basically, where you pair up with another designer or developer... feed each other work exclusively for your projects and you sell yourself as a "combined" agency. This way you can each work on your own things when you want, but also have access into each others network to keep things steady. Something to ponder anyways.

    Going back to the OP, I think a lot of it depends where you're at in life to be honest. There's something nice about getting X amount auto-deposited every 2 weeks. There's also something nice about controlling what you work on more and doing it on your time. I'm not sure what the best solution is for you...

  • mikotondria30

    Jeez man, and others - I've been doing this years - how does anyone get near to 100k ? 50 ?

    • o_Oo_O
    • Just make at least $8,334 a month. DOne.ukit2
  • hektor9110

    Hey @randommail would you mind sharing your day rate? By the way congrats on last year, sounds amazing.

  • marychain0

    Just curious what 120k gets in new york? Is that manhatten living money or what? I know your taxes are crazy if you own

  • formed0

    Stability. Period. That is a valuable piece of the equation. Freelance you have none. Economy tanks again and you could have nothing (not that you couldn't be let go).

    Personally, that has always been the largest difference. Dollar amounts (120k seems pretty healthy and you get stability, health care, paid sick/vacation time, free coffee, etc., though in NY I have no idea) are important to fully equate. You must be doing exceptionally to top that as a freelancer (I can't imagine how you can make more than that being a one man shop, but if you can, good for you!).

    Personally, "freelance" turned into starting my own business, long ago. I'll never go back, no question, but there is also a lot of up/down, especially with these last few years (which I don't see going away anytime soon).

    Good luck. Seems like you have some pretty good choices either way (and that most on here would kill for).

  • Continuity0

    'Stability. Period. That is a valuable piece of the equation. Freelance you have none. Economy tanks again and you could have nothing (not that you couldn't be let go).'

    The argument can be made, though, that those who survive and thrive recessions and economic shit are the ones who have skills that can be used as a freelancer, when they find themselves and their jobs made redundant.

    • but I've seen stability in freelance if you know how to sell and deliver, fulltime = random layoffs sometimes...vaxorcist
  • Continuity0

    I'm at the point in my own life where the idea of keeping on Working for the Man™ depresses me enormously.

    The office politics, having to deal with other personalities you might not be able to deal with, the late nights/weekends, the sacrificing personal life, the hierarchies, the feeling of stagnation, the often boring projects: all for the profit and benefit of someone else.

    And that someone else is not you.

    Honestly, by the sounds of it, you're rocking the freelance life in ways few of us could imagine achieving. That's a success, one you can be proud of and one can be built on.

    I don't buy this argument that going off to take a regular job means you can grow your skills, and so on. I reckon if you want to start doing something new as part of your service offer, you have more than enough of a foundation to teach yourself. Yes, it's a bit more difficult than in a formal agency or in-house environment with available resources and talents of others to learn from, but it's by no means impossible on your own.

  • d_rek0


    I don't buy that argument at all. Did you see the massive layoffs most agencies were doing when the economy was tanking in 07-08?

    Stability in the corporate workforce is only an illusion. You can lose that stability in the blink of an eye. Just because it's a steady paycheck doesn't mean it's invulnerable to economic conditions.

  • d_rek0

    And FYI creative and marketing services are usually the FIRST things to be chopped when times get tough. The bottom line for most businesses in the US is that design and marketing is an added expense and is not an integral part of their business culture.

    That being said, it's not all doom and gloom. Smart agencies adapt when times get tough. They help re-educate and re-train their employees for different disciplines and needs. But to think that because you have a salary and a steady paycheck that you can't lose all of that too in the blink of an eye is just naive.

    • On the other hand, businesses still do need creative and marketing services, even if budgets are cut. That's where freelancers come in.Continuity
    • ... freelancers come in.Continuity
    • < But did he say it was 'agency'? Could be direct for the brand..if so move into other areas after shared success.babaganush