Freelance vs $120k?

Out of context: Reply #33

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    I'm at the point in my own life where the idea of keeping on Working for the Man™ depresses me enormously.

    The office politics, having to deal with other personalities you might not be able to deal with, the late nights/weekends, the sacrificing personal life, the hierarchies, the feeling of stagnation, the often boring projects: all for the profit and benefit of someone else.

    And that someone else is not you.

    Honestly, by the sounds of it, you're rocking the freelance life in ways few of us could imagine achieving. That's a success, one you can be proud of and one can be built on.

    I don't buy this argument that going off to take a regular job means you can grow your skills, and so on. I reckon if you want to start doing something new as part of your service offer, you have more than enough of a foundation to teach yourself. Yes, it's a bit more difficult than in a formal agency or in-house environment with available resources and talents of others to learn from, but it's by no means impossible on your own.

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