Mailbox App
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- 10 Responses
- Continuity0
I seriously fail to see why anyone should bother, despite their cited USPs.
I mean, come on: allergic to email so badly on your smart phone? Either don't get a smart phone, or don't configure its email client, and confine your email to desktop/laptop. Easy!
Honestly ... it's amazing that people forgot how to actually live offline to this degree.
- animatedgif0
shocked this has got so much good press, invite only and waiting in line are surely fads that died with 2008
- Kiko0
yeah its got loads of press, bad because of the wait but good by people who have used it. I wonder what its like.
- d_rek0
gmail app > mailbox
Mailbox has no smart filtering or any spam filtering capabilities. Everything comes into your inbox in an unregulated lump, leaving you to sift through piles of e-garbage. UI is kind of nice. Meh, i'll stick to gmail, which seamlessly integrates with the rest of my online existence.
- Continuity0
Meh. Nothing beats IMAP on your own server, where you have granular control over just about everything, including spam and IP filtering.
Gmail, etc, can lick my bollocks.
- GMail has IMAP too.ernexbcn
- But not the server-level control something like cPanel offers.Continuity
- and Gmail reads your email too.animatedgif
- zaq0
let me introduce you to
- Looks interesting but I dont use email via browser.ArmandoEstrada
- doesnotexist0
IMAP + Sparrow