Getting Started - Web Design
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- 31 Responses
- CincodeMayo
I think I asked this question a while back but I'm sure things have changed a bit.
I'm a graphic designer who mostly works in print. Looking to up my game with web skills. Should I start with basic HTML/CSS? Ruby? Something else?
Should I start with a book or one of those online sites like Team Treehouse, Codeacademy, TutsPlus, etc.?
- clearThoughts0
Probably not with Ruby if you don't know basic HTML or CSS.
- Maaku0
I'm on the same path. Been using as a start and last week I order this book which seems to be quite good (at least for the basics)
- ordered*Maaku
- my friend wrote this book Yay!clearThoughts
- @– clearThoughts, Tell your friend i just love his book!! Nicely done!!Mishga
- kona0
It's worth every penny. If you want to be a web designer I'd argue you don't need to know everything about HTML and CSS. It absolutely helps that you do, but you don't have to be a master. Ruby I'd say no to.
- fadein110
Design a site in your spare time with features you want to use.
Every evening come home from work and spend time on it.
Use Google whenever you get stuck or ask on here.
Repeat until you feel confident.- Thats what I've been doing and so far it works for me. I even design some Facebook apps for a watch companyhektor911
- CincodeMayo0
@Maaku I think we're signing up for Lynda at work so that should help. I actually bought HTML & CSS a while back. Great looking book and definitely a good start. Gotta read it again and make sure it sinks in.
Also in the middle of the TutsPlus 30 Days to HTML & CSS and really liking it so far.
- Make sure you are able to download the exercise files. It helps to copy/paste code for snipets and stuffMaaku
- Thanks Maaku. I'm sure that'll help.CincodeMayo
- CincodeMayo0
So no to Ruby off the bat, but after I have a solid grasp on HTML/CSS, is Ruby the next step? Or is something else better? Or HTML/CSS good enough?
- ruby is completely different.... that's okay, just very different... not a "linear order stepping stone" thing...vaxorcist
- ukit20
I've always been a fan of just diving in and start working on a project. Personally I get bored reading through books or watching three hour tutorials. And there is so much ground to cover with this stuff that if you really sat down and tried to learn all of it, it would take months.
The great thing about web design is that any question that will ever come up has already been answered somewhere in a forum like Stack Overflow. So my approach is to go over the basics, then just get started and look up anything I need as I go.
- robotinc0
java script is the next step after html and css. ruby is more if you want to do backend work.
- nocomply0
All of the advice thus far as been good. And I agree with robotinc that after you're comfortable with HTML and CSS you'll want to work on JavaSript and jQuery. That's a front-end programming language that goes hand in hand with HTML and CSS.
If you *really* wanted to get into Ruby I'd recommend understanding the basics of server-side scripting and databases first (php and MySQL). But in full disclosure I don't know a lick of Ruby.
- CincodeMayo0
Thanks for all the advice. Gonna dive into HTML/CSS and then probably take a crack at JS and JQ. Not really interested in the backend side of stuff (which I guess is Ruby) - mainly just the skills that go hand in hand with the design side of stuff. Thanks again all.
- hektor9110
This thread is going really good guys. Congrats. I'm in the same boat, but I've been learning as I work on projects.
- ideaist0
1. Build a site with HTML5 Boilerplate: Keep it simple.
- Text & image.2. Using your site above, implement some jQuery and/or Javascript elements to familiarize yourself with the framework: Repeat step 1 & 2 a few more times so you have a solid grasp.
4. Using the backend of your choice (I use WordPress) with a naked theme (I use Starkers) begin incorporating PHP in order to implement CMS:…5. Profit...
; )
Seriously though, this has been my route as an ex Flash guy who dabbled in HTML & CSS years ago to make a X-FIles website...
- <ukit2
- i have used starkers a few times, love itprophetone
- not .comfadein11
- Forgiveness please @fadein11...
; )ideaist
- nocomply0
Also it's worth mentioning that you're going to see/read/hear a lot about "responsive" web design and mobile-optimization and such.
That's definitely good stuff to learn, as it's going to become more and more important each year. But if you're starting from square 1 I wouldn't worry about it until you have a decent understanding of HTML and CSS and how those technologies work and what they do. With that kind of understanding, the mobile stuff will start to make more sense.
- Maaku0
Here's a little presentation about responsive web design. I haven't seen it yet, saving it for later on tonight:
- CincodeMayo0
@nocomply - Totally agree with you about responsive. I'm obviously far from it, but once I have a better grasp on HTML/CSS, what would I use to learn/build responsive sites?
- if you go down the wordpress route for backend then the new built in theme is responsive and easy to adaptfadein11
- nocomply0
The world of responsive design is changing a lot right now, but most people agree that this book is great:…
In fact, I believe that's where the term "responsive web design" came from.
The stuff that's written in there is still really good info, but keep in mind that it's already almost 2 years old.
- ********0
I think in web design, if you first jump into a good idea.
- ********0
I think in web design, you should first jump, into a good idea... not code or grids.
- helps ig you know how to build the idea lolfadein11
- if you don't have an idea to begin with, what are you going to build?********
- ********0
What should one learn if they already know basic html/css?
- I would look at jquery nextFallowDeer
- learn yourself.********