Israel bombing shit..

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  • added_valium0

    It is all very depressing and sad from my point of view. I am an Israeli, born and raised. I live in Tel Aviv and raise my two daughters here. It seems like the situation here keeps getting worse from year to year.

    I have a lot of criticism towards Israel's policy and think it is the main reason we are currently in this mess. Last week me and my family protested against this policy along with 15000 people here in Tel Aviv. I can understand the Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation and settlement policy, as well as the Gazan struggle against the Israeli blockage. I also think that the Israeli aggression only breeds more hate and deepens the hate.

    On the other hand there is Hamas. Hamas thrives on hate and misery. They know how to manipulate and use Israel's power so that they come out the victims in the eyes of the world. They are not victims. They are actively pulling Israel to act brutally against them and know the destruction they bring on their people.

    I don't know what (if anything) can solve this mess, but really hope the current round of aggression will lead to talks and negotiations that may bring some quiet to this area. I wish this could happen without all the bloodshed and misery on both sides.

    There's so much more to say but I'll stop here for now.

    • i believe there will be peace. people thought there couldn't be peace in Ireland and there almost is.lowimpakt
    • respect to you and your familylowimpakt
    • "Hamas thrives on hate and misery"omg
    • I guess the killing of thousands of Palestinians was Israel's way of showing love and affection.omg
    • @omg - i can not respect your opinion after seeing the hate you freely spew around hereadded_valium
    • @added_valium. i never uttered hate nor opinion. just truth. i'm sorry it doesn't fit your business modelomg
    • i just feel bad for the many dead women and children in Palestine.omg
    • if only their homes were not stolen, i bet they would feel more than hate and misery.omg
    • you don't respect me because I am a Goyum. I can live with that.omg
    • your last comment just proves how skewed your 'truth' is. i feel bad for palestinian casualties tooadded_valium
    • and if i had no respect for 'goyim' i wouldn't bother posting here now would i?added_valium
    • the irish gave upyurimon
  • dasohr0

    don't get me wrong i don't want to sound like an ignot and violence is surely never the answer but after watching that vice docu posted in the Iraq thread i'm kind of glad somebody is bombing shit over there.

    • felt sort of the same, on the one hand you can never justify how Israel is treating the Palestinians, but on the other you realise what they're surrounded by and the steps they need to take to defend themselves._niko
    • realise what they're surrounded by and the steps they need to take to defend themselves._niko
    • what is happening in Israel has been happening since 1948. The current crisis in Iraq is related to Bush's failed warlowimpakt
    • You are simplifying way too much...ISIS doesn't even like Hamasukit2
    • @ukit - sure, but what happens when ISIS spills over to jordan, or infiltrates gaza?dasohr
    • isis have "infiltrated" globally. israel's illegal blockade of gaza may only make that problem worse, but that's speculation.lowimpakt
    • I don't think Gaza will be the focus anymore. Israel will face a much more volatile and dangerous adversary.dasohr
    • you do know why they are fighting don't you?lowimpakt
  • detritus0

    No idea how legit the source is, or what their leaning is, or if this is staged, or if not — what's even going on. But hey — more fuel to the fire.

    • Where could they go? It's not like they have lots of choices regarding locations. Still unacceptable.ApeRobot
    • totally unacceptable but as Ape says, it's called urban warefare for a reasonlowimpakt
    • yeah let's set up a big blue tent, very inconspicuous_niko
    • I imagine there are thousands of blue tents and tent-like structures dotted over Gaza.detritus
  • Ravdyk0

    It seems to me that the Jews believe they have to be there because of religion. I don't think you can deny ones right to believe you have to be somewhere. But it's a total different thing to back that believe up with an army. What would happen if the army of Israel would not be funded and supported? What will happen if the Jews do not have so much more power than the Arabs? What do you guys think should happen?

    • thats correct, they believe they are the chosen people and that when the land belongs to them Jesus will come.Kiko
    • 1. arabs have way more money moron...dconstrukt
    • 2. we fought palestinians in war and we won the landdconstrukt
    • 3. learn the history and facts befor you open your mouth with bullshitdconstrukt
    • "we won the land" you didn't win shit, just born in a position luckier that the one born Palestinian
    • fuck that entitlement bullshit.moldero
    • < what he saidMaaku
  • i_was0

    Fuck the Hamas and fuck gaza who voted for them, keep on bombing those fucking muslims.

    • stop being stupid.ohhhhhsnap
    • yes, fuck hamas, but lets not keep bombing anyone, lets live in peacedconstrukt
    • If you condone bombing then you should probably die too.set
    • Ps I hope you fuck off of this planet asapset
    • Oh look, another media brainwashed tete du merde.Kiko
  • ian0

    Rather than seeing it as 'hate towards israel and jews', its more accurately 'hate towards people indiscriminately killing civillians, many of whom are kids'.

    And that also goes for Hamas terrorists killing Israeli civillians too.

    Its fucking wrong, on both sides.

    • We need to make a hate psychopaths threadyurimon
    • hamas is putting their own people in the way... who else calls the houses before hitting them telling ppl to leave?dconstrukt
    • But what happens after the bombs? Your house is destroyed what happens next?ian
    • It just breeds anger and hatred.ian
    • exactly ianfadein11
    • maybe they shouldn't let the terrorists hide missiles in their basements... just sayin.dconstrukt
  • prophetone0


    it's a simple matter of humans refusing to see or appreciate what's right there in front of our faces. instead choosing to act via a dated belief system, vs. our amazing reality.

    if you had to explain to a visiting alien race the really important, imaginary reasons for these barbaric conflicts, they'd like, roll their eyes in disdain and jet.

    because, my friends, we are completely f*cking ridiculous.

    the end.

    • Think with your heart not your mind...yurimon
    • Aliens fuckn fear us, that's why we're left alone in this quadrant of the galaxyGeorgesIV
    • they infiltrate via your mind. mind parasites called archons... get with ityurimon
    • indeed. thinking with my heart gets me furious over the exploded children situation. others not.prophetone
    • yuri needs to think with his mind every once and a while thoughmoldero
  • lowimpakt0

    132 of the the palestinian children killed by israel in the latest invasion.…

    • Still, Hamas is using this as a propaganda, the more dead civilians ,the best. Be a martyr.ApeRobot
    • We humans, are such a bunch of retarded fucks.ApeRobot
    • IDF use as propaganda. They say all these are human shields. They dehumanise the killed & demonise hamas. bastards all round.lowimpakt
    • bastards all roundlowimpakt
    • so sad. all of this.benfal99
    • all this does is enrage the next generation, they will get revenge at all costs._niko
  • ukit20

    Israeli Professor: Rape Hamas Militants' Mothers and Sisters to Deter Terrorist Attacks…

  • eoin0

    • disgustingbenfal99
    • I'm sure TV doesn't help. Completely desensitized.sea_sea
  • oey0

    I'm in this Antifa house in Germany painting a mural.
    Yesterday I found out about the Anti-German Left Radicals.
    They support Israel.
    Yesterday, earlier I almost painted a Palestinian flag in the wall.
    I'm happy I didn't or else I would get in serious trouble.

    I can understand to a certain point, under a German perspective, why people think like that and also because of the anti-semitic thought in the radical left in the 60's till the 90's.

    I was in chock yesterday, and today I was speaking with my connection here from 8am till 9am about it.

    I can not imagine a Antifa demo with flags of Israel and the USA mixed.

    I mean, in short I don't have nothing against Jews but only against the state of Israel's actions even though I also believe that they have a right to exist and I also understand that Hezbollah are extremists and so on...

    I'm just totally confused right now.

    Carry on...

    • your username here should be

    • ?oey
    • hahahaha! NO!oey
    • I guess you’re dealing here with a special branch of the leftist movement called Anti-Deutschepressplay
    • they even have an english Wiki article
    • german leftists like to argue about who is the »real« left instead of focusing on mutual goals. That’s why they’re getting nowherepressplay
    • ... getting nowhere and that’s why I think they’re self obsessed iignorants for the most partpressplay
    • I now they are the Anti-Deutsche, but I didn't know that some support USA. I was talking today with them...oey
    • It was not easy but we sorted things out. Now I know why they gave me those weird looks when I used the term "imperialist shit" as a joke for whiskey. I love whiskey.oey
    • label whiskey. Don't get me wrong, I love whiskey. And vodka. And grappa. Hehehe!oey
    • Interesting story, thanks for sharingukit2
    • "I was in shock..."oey
  • lowimpakt0

    "Terrifying Tweets of Pre-Army Israeli Teens"

    "A simple search of Twitter for the string ARAVIM, which means "Arabs" in Hebrew, produces a long list of messages by young Jewish Israelis calling to ethnically cleanse the country."…

    • so?GeorgesII
    • Teenagers are cunts the world over.detritus
    • next generation is our only ho......wait......ApeRobot
    • not all teenagers with genocidal views will be given a riflelowimpakt
  • renderedred0

    I live in Jerusalem, so questions are welcome for those who want to know what's up. Not that I am an expert on military questines, I just live here.

    • How many rockets have hit targets since the begin of the week?ApeRobot
    • none. targets are a very broad term for hammas.renderedred
    • i heard 3 falling south of jerusalem in the desert 2 days ago.renderedred
    • on the other hand, gazza will become a parking lot in a month. that's sad.renderedred
    • thanks for the info.ApeRobot
    • are you scared?dbloc
    • no. really i'm not.renderedred
    • yo, renderedred, I have a question,
      What do you think of politician that use fear to push their agenda forward
  • yurimon1

    I think the best fuck all move by the palestinians that would fuck up the whole world. The best psychological move of all time, though maybe controversial to suggest but. I think the psychological fuck all would be if the palestinians had a mass conversion to christianity.
    That would just be a huge wtf moment. not that I am christian, but just saying theoretically ..then they can get loans with reasonable interest rates. malls, fried chicken, xbox, cable, presents at the coldest darkest time of year. thats what everyone really wants in life.

    • god you're retardedsine
    • Your retarded if you take it serious.
    • you think anyone on here should take you serious ?sine
    • sometimes. jeahz.yurimon
    • and jeahs.yurimon
    • I can conduct an audit of your thinking capacity if you like. you match the criteria for analysisyurimon
    • don't strain your brain there, Jack Handeymonkeyshine
  • GeorgesII1

  • pablo281

    ok. good news: "Ceasefire between Hamas and Israel has been agreed, a Palestinian official with knowledge of talks says" @Reuters

  • GeorgesII1

    no matter how bad we think of israel is in this conflict,
    Am I the only one thinking hamas are a bunch of cunts for trying to fight a fight they can't possibly win,
    it is almost like the only reason they pick a fight (even if their right or wrong) is to gain more troops by getting their local population decimated.
    No matter how much I want to be antiwar, I just can't agree with them.

    sometimes Hamas
    "...The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess? "
    - Joshua

  • maquito1

    • comparing anything to a Nazi state is so banal - that verges on irrelevance.pr2
    • in this case it's really relevant and ironic actually.Beeswax
    • oooooh dont comment negatively.. antagonista will call you a trollautoflavour
  • utopian1

    The U.S.A. should just cut all Welfare funding to Israel, let's see how strong and mighty "The Chosen Ones" will be then.

    • also i think you misunderstand the nature of the relationship.. ISRAEL OWNS THE US..autoflavour
    • well, all the banks and major industries.. including the FED.. so.. cutting funding isnt ever going to happenautoflavour
    • do you have a source for that conspiracy theory?pressplay
  • imagineallthepeople-1

    no it's not at all about money.

    it's about the arab world not being able to accept the existance of a tiny non-arab state among them. israels excesses, radical islamists excesses, countless wars, the current escalation, the settlement issue, the blockade, the dead children, all that isn't israels fault. these things are the direct consequence of the inability of the arab nation to make peace with history, to accept reality. it's not even that much about religion, it's about pride and about eternal anti-semitism. palestinians are only the pawns.

    • pffftChristian
    • true but there's a huge game of political-money on going beside that.benfal99
    • *bullshit~ cough cough... excuse me.omg
    • utter shite

      no cough needed
    • wtfmoldero