? Agency/Company that . . .
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- timeless
. . . doesn't have labeled/marked desk locations. When you start working there you have to learn where everyone is located by talking to your colleagues.
Thanks -
- Gnash0
- doesnotexist0
everywhere ever?
- ********0
Do you mean names?
Or name/dept/role/everything?If you're looking in London that is basically everywhere, yes. The English are suspicious of friendliness in all it's forms
- animatedgif0
Sounds like you just failed the first test
- monNom0
Come in early and pick a new desk each day. Eventually you'll meet everyone in the office.
- timeless0
you're in the same desk everyday, and so is everybody else.
example: right now my office is K220L: K = wing, 200 = second floor, 20 = office and L= left side of office
what i meant was that your individual office (cube) has no location number, no identifier, no address, so even if you wanted to go find Lisa in accounting, there's no directory that will tell you where to go find her, you just have to go find her by asking people where she sits.
I'm sure right about now you'd all be happy to tell me "where to go"
Gnash - does valve work like this?
- Gnash0
At Valve all desks are movable. Depending on the project you happen to be working on you just roll your desk over to where that team has decided to group up.