Interview Questions for interactive agency

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  • steven_segal

    Hey guys, I have a preliminary interview phone call with a recruiter at a large interactive agency, any tips for specific questions I should have answers for? I haven't interviewed for a purely interactive/digital only agency before and also I think the positions they have open are more senior in nature.

    It's kind of a low pressure thing for me since they're the ones who reached out (and I'm already gainfully employed), so I'm not too nervous. I just want to put my best foot forward.

    Thanks guys.

  • utopian0

    • Thoroughly research the agency
    • Do not try over sell your abilities
    • Answer all questions directly
    • And simply be yourself

    And most importantly... Smile when speaking over the telephone, your tone of voice is 84% of the message...…

    Good Luck!

  • lvl_130

    mostly what utopian said and...
    ask questions about your potential role. if you think it's something you want to pursue, phrase the question as "what would MY role be when I am at ____ agency?"

    don't let the title of the position distract/deter you. a recruiters' goal is to get you in the place. Tell them what you do, and how you do it well.

    umm, i'm sure there are other things i could tell you but i'm tired.

    good luck though. no stress on you (having a full-time job and they contacted you) usually means a flawless phone interview.

  • tOki0

    Well if it's them wanting you, you're surely in a good place to pick their brains. Being honest is obviously the first place to start and questions that will force them to also be is the next.

    1. "Why should I come work for you? (and how are you going to give me a better situation than what i currently have?)"
    2. "What is a rough breakdown of the work I'd be doing?"
    3. "What is business like at the moment?"

    I find the reactions often more telling than the answers to these. An open place will be honest, an uncomfortable one will try to sell themselves too hard or avoid the questions altogether. A dishonest agency will simply tell you everything you want to hear. In a shitty economy there needs to be an added layer of realism and transparency regarding this - no one wants to walk onto a job to become redundant a month later, nor do they want to be lured into a place to find themselves doing a menial job that has a "title" attached to it.

  • doesnotexist0

    ^ A dishonest agency will simply tell you everything you want to hear.

    what's the agency?