Where to keep photos?
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- 7 Responses
- CincodeMayo
What do you kids use these days to keep your photos on the web? Is Flickr still any good? I let my pro account expire about a year ago and it bugs me that I can't view any of my old shots without a pro account, but I just got a DSLR and I'll probably be uploading a lot of shots in the near future. Right now I keep them on my HD and a backup, but I'd love to be able to access them anywhere in their full size glory.
Where's the best place to keep them on the web? Google+? Snapjoy? Any other options?
- Akagiyama0
Still use photobucket.
- vaxorcist0
I use exposuremanager.com but that's for paying gigs...
- jaylarson0
google plus has the best display, but i still use flickr and 500px
- mg330
Flickr only. Feed it out to the sites I need to show photos like my own blog, photo site, etc.
- CincodeMayo0
500px is pretty, but Flickr seems like it's the easiest to use and integrate with other applications/sites. I guess Google+ is a good free option, but I think I read somewhere that it reduces file sizes down to 5 x 7 or 8 x 10?