Quotation marks?
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- 16 Responses
- hansglib0
it depends on the software. I remember having to use "option-[" and "shift-option-[" to call up proper quotation marks in Quark and Illy back in the day. Then Quirk got it's act together and eventually shitty Adobe managed to as well.
Truth is many people are uneducated and/or don't notice or bother with the detail.
- randomname0
How do you even put "Double Prime" now?
- fuck knows. thankfully in the EU we use mm so never need tohansglib
- MrT0
Prime and double prime are also minutes and seconds in some situations...
- uan0
I've seen different results with the same font on the same keyboard in different software...i.e. in photoshop I get a ', in flash I get a ’.
- Depends if you have curly quotes set in your preferences..mikotondria3
- maikel0
It's all good about single and double, but what about maximus prime?
- ribit0
I'm just happy if people don't use apostrophes in plurals, and don't use 'then' when they mean 'than' (I'm looking at you, half of QBN).
- bored2death0
Because just knowing CSS and jQuery is enough to call yourself a "designer" these days...
- Josev0
Most apps replace those with the proper quote marks now, no?
I was working with a client's staff writer (her bf is even a designer) and brought up type issues that I saw in a small publication I was taking over (use of hyphens instead of proper dashes, terrible rag, etc.). She told me that I had antiquated ideas that don't matter anymore.
- bulletfactory0
Many people aren't detail-oriented anymore. They also don't know the difference between they're, there and their, and to, two and too, among other things.
- ksv1230
Some applications you can go to the preferences and turn on smart quotes. Simple term for those are usually called spikes.
- monospaced0
I've found that Word often replaces quotation marks with primes, and it seems font dependent (meaning, it only does it with some fonts). Also, I've noticed that After Effects does this too with a lot of type, including our firm typeface, and adding one is actually impossible as the software seems to ignore the unicode or some shit.
- i_monk0
Keyboards are poorly designed. Next?
- albums0
If I were to shorthand inches & feet on this board I'd use 5'10" then presume you'd understand though I used the apostrophe & double quote because my keyboard offers them readily.
- vaxorcist0
Microsoft Turd has a tendency to mess this up, especially when cut-pasted into various web CMS's
- mikotondria30
UTF-8 nightmares, anyone ?