2Pac Hologram. Howd they do that?
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- err
Anyone know how they did this?
- GeorgesII0
computer graphics,
2 transparent screens with laser projection,extremely creepy project
- yeah it freaked me out but i enjoyed it i can't lieGlitterati_Duane
- ApeRobot0
he ain't dead, i knew it.
- CanHasQBN0
Well, it's a cardboard cutout. Someone behind the cutout is moving it around. And the arms and legs are pinned on separately so that they can be moved around... like a puppet.
- lol********
- HAhAHhHAHAhvsplus
- kevin mcallister set the whole thing upTheMagicSheep
- hahhahahaukit2
- lol
- CanHasQBN0
Maybe computers.
- 23kon0
iPhone 4s "Hero Projector™" feature.
I have Elvis, Sid Vicious & Jacko playing gigs in my home every night!
- utopian0
Still looks and sounds like a thug, dead?
- BaskerviIle0
look a bit computer gamey
- GeorgesII0
^ Holocorp™
you don't want to get sued
- identity0
They don't QUITE have it down yet - but very cool to see regardless.
- ukit20
Yeah thats kinda cool and sort of fucked up at the same time
Who own the rights to Tupac's hologram?
- desmo0
Arent the Gorillaz doing this already for their live shows?
- Pixter0
zombie thugs
zombie thugs
zombie thugs
- JG_LB0
the answer is, crushed blacks
- Miguex0
and way before gorillaz
Creepy, weird... whatever you want to call it.... but definitely way better that the bullshit we have now like Flo Rida and all those other clowns...