Web attribution
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- 14 Responses
- utopian0
Great quote!
"To be realistic one must always admit the influence of those who have gone before." — Charles Eames
- Kiino0
Maria Popava, co-founder Curator's Code, in the NYT article above:
“Discovery of information is a form of intellectual labor,” she said. “When we don’t honor discovery, we are robbing somebody’s time and labor. The Curator’s Code is an attempt to solve some of that.”
- colin_s0
yeah, but "discovery of information" is not "hang out on tumblr all day."
tumblrs that just say "hey this shit isn't mine, but i'm going to post it anyway without attribution!" are the fucking worst. your sense of taste is just like everyone else's who can't take the time to actually make things, you jackass.
- Kiino0
^ tumblr = jacker's paradise
- designquestions0
Fuck everyone who has a tumblr or re-tweets things.
- why?scarabin
- that's kind of what it's forscarabin
- tumblrs that just say "hey this shit isn't mine, but i'm going to post it anyway without attribution!" are the fucking worst. your sense of taste is just like everyone else's who can't take the time to actually make things, you jackass.designquestions
- tumblrs aren't claiming that all of the content is theirs.scarabin
- Scars is right. Always.Hombre_Lobo
- That wasn't sarcasm, totally agree dude, this is a silly post.Hombre_Lobo
- monNom0
so we'll replace 'via' with some tiny little character that nobody knows what it means? seems like a solution in search of a problem.
I do agree that people should cite their sources when blogging their 'discoveries'.
- Kiino0
There's clearly a lot of gray area & an ongoing dilemma.
The web is great for sharing. Hooray, let's share ideas, thoughts, art, etc.!
The problem comes when the complete absence of respect/attribution for original creators or sources is taken to the Nth degree. The big winners in the wide-open-aggregator-take-anythi... equation are the hijackers, er aggregators.
"Sharing" ought to be balanced so that original creators are not removed from the equation, regardless of whether the sharing is via large news sites or smaller indie blogs.
- scarabin0
i view tumblrs like pic of the day...
nobody's saying "i created every image in pic of the day", that's just clearly obvious. same thing with tumblr. nobody honestly believes the owner is claiming that all of it is theirs. credit the author if you feel like providing more information, or don't. who the fuck cares, they're not making money off it.
- scarabin0
if you've really got a problem with people not putting your name after every instance your image appears ont he web, put your name in the image itself. done
- Kiino0
I've been adding imbedded photo credits more & more lately to my own work. But a lot of publications, etc. ask for clean images since they credit according to their "standard design format." So the more talk of attribution I hear, the better. I'd think most original creators...illustrators, graphic designers, writers, artists, musicians would agree.
- Nathan_Adams0
So is it more important to credit the person who "found" something, than the person who created it in the first place? Good to know.
- I'd say equal importance. But that's just me.Kiino
- Equal? Surely crediting the creator FAR outweighs crediting the person tweeting/tumblring it.Nathan_Adams
- It's still nice to know how it got there. But sure, original creator over the vehicle/last source.Kiino
- as long as I can trace it back to the source (creator) I'm happy.monNom
- Kiino0
Attribution case study #1:
Johnny 15 year-old shares your work on Tumblr because it reminds him of his favorite Santigold song. For some reason, an art director at an ad agency sees it, wants to license it or something else in your personal archive. The deadline is in 48 hrs. Wouldn't you want it to be easy for the ad agency (whether it's based in Scotland or Italy or St. Louis) to find you instantly?
- scarabin0
well, in case study #1 you can either try and create "rules" for the entire internet regarding how to handle your work, then shout and scream and cry all day when everyone ignores you, or you can put your name on the piece in question and put an end to the problem before it even becomes one.
- Kiino0
Scarabin, I get what you're saying. I don't see it as an either / or proposition. I understand setting up rules will always be viewed as shouting and screaming, but I don't think the situation needs to be considered mutually exclusive.
In my view, I don't have a problem with Johnny15 posting. But if he got a screen grab off a website which only placed credits outside of the image or at the end of a blog post, then that original creator is pushed out of the equation for the rest of that work's journey through cyberspace. Graphic designers, photographers, directors and musicians are all in the same boat.
- Well, not musicians when it comes to visual art...but they get jacked all the time too.Kiino