help finding video
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- stewdio
I’m looking for this specific “brand affirmation” video that I saw a few years back—I think it was developed for either Time Magazine, or National Geographic, or some other publication that has a lot of history and makes use of frame in their visual makeup. (For example: Time's covers are always contained within a red border, while Nat Geo uses a yellow frame.)
I don’t think the video was a commercial, I think it was to be shown internally to rally the company together. Anyway, it had a strong visual similarity to the Eames’ “Powers of Ten” film—white frames retreating from the viewer into the depth of the screen. That was the main visual vehicle, and then there were some variations, like at one point when they make a reference to looking back through the company’s history the direction reverses and the frames come toward the viewer.
If that sounds familiar to you let me know!
- bulletfactory0
Not familiar, but intriguing. Hope you find it!
- stewdio0
It was “The Future” created by Open for Time Magazine. Not quite the same as I remembered it, but definitely interesting to see again after several years. Old enough that it exists as a tiny embedded Quicktime on Open’s site rather than larger video on YouTube or Vimeo. Click "Watch" in the gray box at the bottom of the page:
- stewdio0
bump. because i didn't think i'd be able to find it. and then i found someone who knew exactly what i was talking about. and that was exciting.