Photoshop transparency weirdness?
Photoshop transparency weirdness?
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- 3 Responses
- rusty_ace
Hey i was working on a really large Photoshop File and suddenly every layer that had transparency in it got jacked up...basically black squares where the edge of the transparency should be. It even displayed the black in the layers palette. Is this an Open GL issue? trying to save a copy of the file so i can restart. i attached a screen shot below.
- animatedgif0
- i would of labeled before a final save...This file is so massive I'was doing absolutely only the necessary.rusty_ace
- it is a 34G PS file....massive and all the layers were named before i started merging to make the file size smaller.rusty_ace
- Same excuses every time, is the file named project_FINAL_4.psd by any chance?animatedgif
- I'm getting nauseous just looking at that. If you think that squalor is going to save you time, you're sadly mistaken.CyBrainX
- pizzafire0
^ oh! this looks familiar now. happened to me a while ago (CS4, i think?). i didn't find a fix though ... had to rebuild from a previous version.