Wordpress Q....

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  • 2 Responses
  • isakosmo

    Sorry if this sounds ignorant but got a simple wordpress question... if anyone with better knowledge than me can help would be super grateful....

    I'm building a website based on a child of the starkers theme... currently my homepage is set to default, and displays the latest post...

    I need it to display the latest post as well as a separate video that my client can update himself regularly, independently from anything else on that page...

    Do i need to create a new page and insert a video widget into it that the client can update, or is there a simpler way of doing this directly in index.php? i was thinking i could create a widget area within the index.php page but not sure how to do that...

    all help appreciated...

  • spot130

    Can you not just use the Text box widget, insert it somewhere on the home page, and have the client drop in a new youtube video whenever they need to update?


    • Yeh, widget it, that's the perfect situation they're designed for.mikotondria3
    • yes, should have worked, but sometimes it depends on the theme. sizes for the areas that accept the widgets
  • isakosmo0

    cheers both, sorted it :) thanks for the reply.