NEW Bladerunner film!
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- microkorg
British director Sir Ridley Scott is to make a new instalment of his 1982 cult sci-fi Blade Runner, producers have announced.
Alcon Entertainment said the film will be a prequel or sequel, rather than a remake of the Philip K Dick adaptation.…
I think i just had an accident in my pants :S
- ernexbcn0
I'll be excited if Prometheus turns out to be a good thing. If not, I'd rather have him not touch Blade Runner at all.
- inteliboy0
am in only if vangelis and his cs80 are hired.
- zenmasterfoo0
the hell.
- CygnusZero40
Probably not a big deal since he's making it. If this were some reboot by someone else, yeah that would be a problem, although that will probably happen someday as well, likely after Ridley is dead.
- kinda like starwars?eficks
- FYI there are millions of star wars fans that like those new movies.CygnusZero4
- Money to be made in a blade runner sequel or whatever this is.CygnusZero4
- formed0
I am still scared though. It was one iconic movie that left good enough alone.
Loved the soundtrack. Still, I'll anxiously wait...
- eating_tv0
This sounds like an Akira 2 penned by Otomo Katsuhiro.
Still, it's scary to touch something so iconic. Even if it's by the hand that created the original in the first place.
- they're making a new movie, they're not touching the old onemonospaced
- CygnusZero40
Maybe it will be great. I laughed when I heard they were rebooting batman. I loved the 2 burton ones, not the 2nd one as much, but to me he made the best superhero movie with that first batman, and look what Nolan did with it. Never saw that coming. Always a chance it could be great.
- The first and only Batman movie starred Adam West in it. That is the only protrayal of a superhero I accept.CyBrainX
- ernexbcn0
I want Nolan to make new Terminator movies.
- TheBlueOne0
For all the glittering c-beams near the Tannhauser Gate...
- ApeRobot0
I want new, and original ideas, fuck all those remakes.
- +infinityTheBlueOne
- read a book********
- a new, god idea that hasn't been done? ok YOU write oneProjectile
- This isnt a remake. It's either a sequel or prequel.CygnusZero4
- yeah, this isn't a remake!monospaced
- not a remake bro********
- bro, not a remakeCygnusZero4
- And the film's source material was a book. Not too original, eh?M_C_P
- Projectile0
how amazing would it be if it still had the feel of the old one? So no flashy cgi, no massively overboard action sequences, no 3d... just good script, brilliant acting and a brilliant yet understated soundtrack?
I think it's about time movies went retro, and im not just talking a bit of a retro-ish feel im talking OLD skool muthafucka!
- im pretty sure one of the other reasons old 1 was famous was because of the effectsattentionspan
- AGREED! x's 1000000000000********
- Yeah the old one was famous for its effects. Fail post, bro.CygnusZero4
- ********0
Great, I'm praying Russell Crowe isn't in it. He's in everything else this fucker does.
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FUCKING Daft Punk better not be doing the sountrack either. Don't ruin my fucking childhood, even if this is a prequel or sequel
- brandelec0
im stoked about scott's alien related movie. i'm all for this one too
- Miguex0
- Skrillex? crazy mofo********
- corey feldman?tymeframe
- DoucheStep.moogchild
- http://girlsthatlook…Kiino
- fuck offinteliboy
- Greasexprophetone
- Skrillex? crazy mofo
- ********0
"Set in Los Angeles in 2019, its vision of a dystopian future was influential on many later films."
Therefore, it has to be a sequel, The original movie was set in 2012, I do believe.
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