YOU are full of sh%&
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- Projectile…
We can dream, we can talk, we can boast and brag... or we can just ignore others, knuckle down and DO shit.
- ********0
Good story. True.
- ********0
I like talking.
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now thats the spirit.
- Peter0
What a piece of shit, whomever that photographer is.
If you're enjoying wine and food you should enjoy wine and food. There's no reason to be so single minded on your career or personal goals that you can't enjoy fucking wine and food without thinking about it. And there are even less reasons for someone to judge and patronize others aspirations and abilities by your own past and accomplishments. Over wine and food.
What a prick and what a bore. Glad I've no idea who he is.
- ********0
From reading the article, this is what I got: passion.
People talk about what they want have instead of the passion that pursues them. If the assistance had passion, he would not stop to have wine and bread, he would be out doing his own thing during down time. This happens in every where. someone wants to open an agency, so before they do the work , they look for a space, make look amazing and complain that there is no one asking for work.
- Peter0
But of course. I'm not questioning that. I even think that assistant is one in a million, people who wants to take "real pictures", and I usually dismiss those kinds of people myself.
You do or you don't. My point is that he's judging others by his own past and its accomplishments. Some takes time to get started regardless of their amount of passion. There are so many creative persons and so much talent out there, but just because they don't take action right away, while eating none the less, doesn't make them less creative or less able to accomplish something beautiful.
- identity0
contrarions have run amok in here!
- ********0
He said “I won’t be an assistant for long. I’m going to become a photographer soon.”
Gordon listened politely.
The assistant said “The kind of photography I want to do is from the heart not the head. I think real photography is about emotion.”
Claridge was also listening.
The assistant said “In a little while I’ll have my own studio and I’ll be shooting in London and New York.”
The assistant went on, and on, and on.
“I don’t want to do traditional photography, stuff that’s been done. I want to do something new and fresh, something original. Something that will really make people sit up and look.”
Thats what dreams are made of. lol
- capn_ron0
The reason this is perfect for a friday post is because right now you will have the time to walk the walk. It's the weekend soon and you will be void of all responsibility (within reason) and able to do what you want.
This was a great read. thanks for posting.
- vaxorcist0
I was once assisting a high end photographer on a shoot in the Dominican Republic.. I was lucky to get the gig, as his usual first assistant was sick.... One afternoon, as he was about to go out for a walk, he asked me if I'd be at the hotel casino when I got back? I said hell no, I'd be out shooting in the street as the light was great.... he said his usual assistant would be in the casino, and he could tell I wasn't like that.... he took me on his shooting walk the next day, learned quite a bit....
- pizzafire0
"And he found out the names and addresses of his heroes.
Bill Brandt was one of the country’s most influential photographers.
John went round to his house and knocked on his door.
Bill Brandt recognised a young man with a shared passion.
He invited John in and they spent all day discussing cameras, lenses, filters, film speeds, apertures, enlargers, photographic paper grades."
that last paragraph shows that John was once also full of shit for at least an entire day. nothing wrong with talking AND doing.
- Projectile0
I'm going to take my camera out this weekend. I'm going to take it out, slap my brand new 32gb card in, get my new lens going and start shooting like muthafucking Rambo!
Then when I've shot that bollard from every angle, I'm going to meet my mates and tell them how I'm going to be a pro photographer that makes people sit up and look because I've got the passion that it takes. For 5 hours.
- maikel0
The buddhist talk about something called the middle path.
you cannot only talk or only work. you need a bit of both.the story implied the assistant was a twat.
fair play there, but also implies that the 'big master' was a humble man. that's bullshit.i mean, you've got plenty of people trying to impress other, but a 'wise, humble person' would have encouraged the assistant to take the equipment and do something instead of inviting him with a glass of wine just to get judgemental...
in anyway i doubt a talented hardworking photographer would take for assistant a pedantic talentless dork, would he?
sorry. nice holywood story, but it does not add up...
- ********0
I am also basing this on my previous experience. I met only few young creatives in my life who was in the creative mode 24/7. They became quite successful. Others are still complaining.
- I'm enticed to say that you'll find em who aren't in that mode round the clock, but elsewhere enjoying different fruits of life in their spare time. Like food and wine in Paris.Peter
- their spare time. Like food and wine in Paris. Or other hobbies. "overspecialize and you breed in weakness". And miss out on lifePeter
- ********0
I am talking as a man who has the latest greatest photo gear yet use any of that.
- hans_glib0
reminds me of a story i heard about a tennis fan asking for an autograph from Roger Federer. While Federer was signing his book the fan said "I'd give my life to be able to play tennis like you do". Federer handed his autograph book back, looked at him and said" Well, I have".
That's the difference.
- flashbender0
I'm gonna be huge someday
- start eating now. and don't stop till you're huge.capn_ron
- HA********
- hellrod0
That's why i carry wine when I shoot.