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- 15 Responses
- nosaj
Wondering if someone familiar with subversion can point me in the right direction? I have a Flash file that I need to export or check out one of the older versions of. I can get the newest - just not sure how to access the older versions.
- chrisRG0
If you're on Windows, this might help: this for Mac:
- zaq0
my favorite mac svn client…
- i liked Versions, but now that i see this, i think we have a winner
- i liked Versions, but now that i see this, i think we have a winner
- 3030
I use Mercurial HG rather than SVN, much better solution in terms versioning, but I have to say that SVN have better client tools for Mac.
For Win, you can use tortoise - it is added as a windows shell extension. You can also command line.
Other client:…
- ********0
You'll need hosting first:
I wouldn't version .fla files though.
- i_monk0
Is this thread about Anonymous hackers on steroids?
- plash0
i use tortoisesvn; its about as easy as it gets. also has shell integration.
- nosaj0
unparmas - Why not version FLAs?
- Weyland0
SVN versions ANY binary, not much use diffing it tho' ;)
- lifeindev0
svnX works pretty good. If you know the shell/console/terminal route it's almost always faster though (once u pick it up of course).
- sublocked0
FYI...if you're using git instead of SVN github just published a new mac app...
- kalkal0
Is subversion something that could easily help any project with a number of frequently changing files? I think I understand what it does but there seems to be a plaine english explanation anywhere...
- bliznutty0
so do you pronounce it SUBversion or subVERsion?
- kalkal0
@sublocked's note
So this isn't a good all around incremental backup solution? That's what I want for windows.
- ifeltdave0
I think he's asking how to grab a revision from a previous version.
What you'll want to do is either export the single file, from the particular revision, or revert your working version to a particular revision.
- IRNlun60
You can check out old branches by revision number... I used trac at my previous company so only know how to search revision numbers there.
svn co -rxxxxx filepath Sites/
xxxxx = revision number
filepath = obviously your main asset repository
Sites/ = where ever you keep your branches locally
FYI, be careful with merge conflicts checking out old revisions. I generally checkout old branches, copy needed code and pasted into main project branch. Probably a better method but worked for me...