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- microkorg
Anyone on QBN using NI's Maschine?…I'm thinking about firing along to local music shop this weekend to get a demo/play with it to see what it's all about.
I use Ableton Live for musicmaking at the moment but i'm not a fan of it's "random" stability.
Interested to hear what Maschine users think of it and if you use(d) other software/hardware previous for musicmaking.
- usrper0
i really want to get it, but im still learning ableton
- autoflavour0
i am interested to know what you mean by Abletons random stability? i have been running ableton for about 5 years now and i think it has maybe crashed about 3 times... and that is usually when i am doing stupid shit like loading up libraries of 24bit samples into massive effects chains, while actually playing..
just curious.
that said, i have only played briefly with the maschine, seemed fun..
not sure i would buy one .. i prefer to spend money on actual hardware, not just interfaces for my computer.
drooling over the octotrack from Elektron at present..
- microkorg0
Ableton just doesn't seem to like me I think. Ha.
Nah, there are issues with Ableton Live, particularly 8. And even Ableton themselves have said they are not developing anything further until they have made the platform completely stable.Mines just seems to crash at random times occasionally. Sometimes it's when i'm overloading the processor and sometimes its just when i'm scrubbing through an mp3 i've thrown in and chopping up for a DJ set.
I've never played a live gig with Ableton and would know that i'd be crapping it doing so because of it's likelyhood to crash on me.
I'm going to go into a shop at the weekend and have a play with Maschine and see what it's all about.
Oh i've got, and been through, enough interfaces already in the quest for perfection for the way I work haha.
Not a fan of collecting actual hardware - much more to lug about for gigging - which is something I want to get into.
- you smokin crack.. ableton is the most stable software i own.autoflavour
- microkorg0
octatrack is friggin tidy!
- microkorg0
Been checking out sample sequencer ipad apps.
Some pretty decent ones and very stable.
The setup I might end up going for is two ipads synced with sample sequencer app Electrify and my Korg Kaoss Quad.
Very! portable 32gig sample and FX studio.
- bored2death0
Yes I have it.
- microkorg0
what you think of it then?
do you use it alone or with ableton?
comparison to ableton? prefer it as a way of working?
- bored2death0
It's a great drum machine.
I started on an mpc2000 way back, and it's a million times easier, faster, etc. Doesn't feel as good as my mpd32 but it's pretty close.
The sound library is decent but starts to sound generic. Effects are really good.
They are continually updating the OS. In v1.6 they added plugins which is really cool. I can load up Abbey Road drums into and rock out.
I use it with Ableton. No issues.
- microkorg0
Cheers for your thoughts on it.
Yeah the VST addition is a good one! One of the things that makes me go even more "oooo" as i've got a lot of VSTs used in current tunes and itd be good to keep them as tweakable instruments and effects and not have to render down as a sample.
- microkorg0
Epic advert for the Octatrack
- bored2death0
I used to have a Machine Drum and I loved it. So easy to program and the interface was top notch. It was like if Apple made a drum machine. I moved away from hardware for two reasons. One, space issues. Two, synching everything to a computer was a huge pain in the ass. I could never do it. So i moved to all software to keep everything in synch.
- section_0140
Since your on QBN, I assume you own a mac.
Buy yourself a novation launchpad and a copy of Numerology (
It's the dopest sequencer out there, period. Plus, you can rewire it with ableton for even more awesomeness.
- prophetone0
i have an mpc 2000 and a 60 and i've been fiending for maschine for a while. been watching all the vids and dreaming of an all-in-one workflow, all my samples in one place, all available at once, thru hardware! and love the fast zooming and editing of waveforms. i'm about 99 sure i'm going to pull the trigger soon.
- auxillary0
Since the 1.6 version update it became even better with the use of third party VST's!
- keewee0
Maschine is absolutely ridiculous as far as workflow and speed. You can use VST's as well as AU's, but automation is pretty basic. i wouldn't use it to create a whole track, but it will take you pretty far before you have to export and add polish in your DAW of choice (Logic for me)
Love the shit outta that thing!
- nb0
- akrok0
I bought one used. Got all the stuff, incl. the box.
Installed the stuff, and boom. serial is used. Can't use it.
Contacted NI, they told me that pervious owner need to email them and release the serial.
Okay so, I just try to find a crack. I do own the shit.
Every damn crack is 2.2.something...I got 1.8.0.:-( Not a happy Maschine owner.
- fadein110
I have MASCHINE MIKRO - the smaller version.
I only use it as a midi controller and the Massive synth that came with it.
I have only used its main software once or twice. I prefer composing in Logic.
Having said that I hear its excellent when used with its software. I just don't have the time to learn another program at the mo.