Ableton-like iPad App
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- 4 Responses
- microkorg
OK, it isn't Ableton-like in the sense that you can do loads with it, but it is a clip and scene launcher with effects.
I thought i'd spread the word about this app. impressed with the somewhat random stability of Ableton Live for playing gigs i've recently been looking at hardware options - in particular Roland / Akai samplers with the idea of chopping up my tunes into tracks/clips/loops in Ableton and bundling them into a sampler for 'playing live'.
I stumbled across this app last night that does exactly what I need - a stable clip and scene launcher - and only costs about £8. Winner!
Seems that the guy who built this has just quit his job to concentrate on this app.
Version 1 was already very popular (see youtube) and this first version 2 is even better!
He's promising a lot more features which i'm looking forward to finding out what they are.If you're into musicmaking then this is a great tool to check out and support the guy too.
- im looking as puzzled as this dog at your replymicrokorg
- fadein110
the praise reeks of spam
- microkorg0
Welcome to QBN fadein11.
Your post reeks of cheek for a newbie.It's not spam. I bought the app last night and was very impressed with it and played with it for hours. Just thought i'd share the knowledge.
- newbie lol - try 2000 NewsToday... accounts get deleted. praise was a bit gushyfadein11
- microkorg0
Here's another that I found at lunchtime.
Another sample launcher, this one can work with Ableton too as well as being a standalone app. Also can be controlled by wee Akai controller.