Compete with Offshore Pricing

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  • 27 Responses
  • tanpopo0

    Just got a reply, Haha... I love the part of getting a legit job when I was replying to their ad in the first place...

    Anyone have any ideas?

    Reply: you are a fool, and that is why you are desperate. Do not insult my boss or my inteegence. Go get a legit job , and realize your shortcomings Elaine

  • tanpopo0

    Wow... I got 2 more random replies while working without replying to the last one. The next one was PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT US AGAIN.

    then the next one 10 minutes later was:

    Reply: Yep, and you should change your name to DOPEY, rather than D[_]PEY..Have a good life Elaine

    My Reply: Im no David Thorn but it is fun

    Hello Elaine,

    Thank you for the suggestion to change my name. I haven't thought about a name change before. Maybe it might be beneficial to my career. The only thing I worry about is that it might have legal implications in the future when re-branding myself. I fear that Disney might try to slap me with an with an intellectual property lawsuit because one of their disney characters is trademarked Dopey.

    I am not sure sure if you are familiar with the disney character in question but I have attached a photograph in case you are un aware of the character in question.

    Also, I did a google search for Dopey and for SEO reasons I think it would be hard to get a top google ranking with 3.8million in competition.

    Perhaps you have some other clever ideas that I could rebrand myself as that might kick start my career in the beautiful state of Hawaii. I am eagerly awaiting your new innovative ideas.

  • tanpopo0

    Earlier Reply:
    "you are a fool, and that is why you are desperate. Do not insult my boss or my inteegence. Go get a legit job , and realize your shortcomings Elaine"

    My response:
    Hello Elaine,

    Thank you for all the replies you have sent to me. I never said I was desperate. In fact, I was just replying to your post on Craigslist to offer my professional design services to you.

    I am ok with just consulting with you through these emails we have been sending each other. Normally I would charge for design consultation but since you are helping me out with rebranding my personal identity we can just call it even. I would say that’s a fair barter, what do you think?


  • tanpopo0

    Forgot to add one thing.... my revised update...

    Hello Elaine,

    Thank you for all the replies you have sent to me. I am sorry if you think I was insulting your boss or your "inteegence". I don't mean any disrespect.

    I never said I was desperate. In fact, I was just replying to your post on Craigslist to offer my professional design services to you. I am ok with just consulting with you through these emails we have been sending each other. Normally I would charge for design consultation but since you are helping me out with rebranding my personal identity we can just call it even. I would say that’s a fair barter, what do you think?


  • tanpopo0

    Haha... so I was curious what would happen if I typed in the email address that I was replying to in Google and I have a feeling I am talking to the winning Job Applicant to…

    "If you are a FABULOUS FEMALE, and want a 100% legit opprtunity"

    Haha, she must be very fabulous if she is sending non professional insulting emails using his address... and now its captured here forever... Im curious what Mr. David Rolnick would think when he ends up seeing what his personal assistant is sending in his name.

  • monNom0

    "Your photo(s)for identification."


    • "send one in a bathing suit, in case we need to identify you on the beach"monNom
    • loltanpopo
  • tanpopo0

    haha... yeah i liked that one too