Photoshop Guides Question

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  • lobstarr0

    Haha, this might be tedious but you could probably set a recorded action for guide set 1 and guide set 2. As annoying as it may seem, you'll have to constantly redo the actions every time you go back and forth.

    Otherwise no, can't change colors, or create a new set.

    However, if you work in indesign, the ability for multi guides exists. Don't see why adobe just transfers it over, im assuming they are adding this to their list of features in 6.0 ;]

    • not really "redo" but play out -- with a 'clear guides' for both actions.lobstarr
  • lvl_130

    let's hope so. it seems so obvious of a feature. i'm sick of creating the one pixel lines on a million layers and then dropping them into a folder-show/hide

    fucking bullshit adobe! BULLSHIT!

    • Beware.. you risk summoning the slightly damp wrath of Boz.detritus
    • why would you have a million layers? how many grids do you have?VikingKingEleven
    • no, you're right. all the lines could be on one layer. it's still a weak workaround.lvl_13