Age of America Nears End
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- 34 Responses
- microkorg
A very interesting article ....…"The International Monetary Fund has just dropped a bombshell, and nobody noticed.
For the first time, the international organization has set a date for the moment when the "Age of America" will end and the U.S. economy will be overtaken by that of China.
And it's a lot closer than you may think."
Especially crazy considering ...
"Just 10 years ago, the U.S. economy was three times the size of China's."The comments are entertaining to read.
Somehow I don't think that most of the people who've left comments aren't usual visitors to the finance pages. Dumbf*cks!
- seeessess0
Maybe if the US stopped sticking their nose in (and bombing) other countries, they may have some money left?
No sympathy.
- <GeorgesII
- +100000000000loool
- yesformed
- not really the reason. I know you'd like to think so, but it isn't. I'd like us out too.zenmasterfoo
- I thought that was one of the biggest (if not the biggest) reason the US economy is what it is.Peter
- $20Billion a month we spend on the two wars, that's not a big problem?formed
- ukit0
- sublocked0
that's some nice, light reading.
- ukit0
I think he's being kind of alarmist. What happens the moment China surpasses the U.S. in GDP or PPP whether its 5 or 10 years from now? Nothing really. Over the long run, the developing world economies are on the rise but there's no huge change overnight.
- Alarmist? IMF Bombshell: Age of America Nears End?Fax_Benson
- Did you read the article? That was his headline, not the IMF'sukit
- My failed attempt at sacrcasm.Fax_Benson
- I get it now :Dukit
- ********0
Hahahah @ Donald Trump for president in this paragraph. America is fucked.
"According to the IMF forecast, which was quietly posted on the Fund's website just two weeks ago, whoever is elected U.S. president next year — Obama? Mitt Romney? Donald Trump? — will be the last to preside over the world's largest economy."
- Thelonious_Funk0
if it did all go down in flames, donald trump would be a good example of some of the reasons.
- would be fitting with him at the reignsThelonious_Funk
- but F that! Ron Paul is gonna be the man.... If he can make it happenThelonious_Funk
- Listening to him now. He's not getting in.formed
- GeorgesII0
But,, but.. I .. wanted .. president Palin.
- ernexbcn0
Hacked by Chinese!
- Projectile0
does this mean no more little plastic soldiers at cheap prices??
- GeorgesII0
man, you think that is scary,
wait untill the gold and silver bubble burst.
- ukit0
Wait til the LHC meltdown of 2017. Will make the gold and silver bust look like a day at the park.
- microkorg0
"When America goes down we are taking all of you with us"
I presume you are meaning financial-wise?To quote a mates comment on Facebook .....
"I'm just hoping they don't come out trying to (physically) fight it, which previous Presidential 'reigns' (regimes?!) seem to have done when a game isn't played according to their rules."
WorldWar 3 y'all?
- GeorgesII0
1 year from now
us is not all of 'mericas
- vaxorcist0
I saw Bill Clinton speak at an event recently, he said in part that by trying to NOT stomp all over the place, the US remained up on its position during the 90's.... he was very aware of this, implicity blaming W and Cheney's short-sighted gov-is-the-problem policies, especially their huge tax breaks for the rich which helped to wreck the govt's ability to do things...
- vaxorcist0
Bill talked for quite a while, very funny at times, he also blamed our political culture, especially the cable news/web/congress circle of trivial fights over insanely small issues when we're totally missing the big picture things like this....
- d_rek0
As long as the status quo isn't affected who gives a flying fuck!
Goddamn need to get in my truck, drive to mcdonalds and eat a fuckin' cheeseburger GODDAMN! Titties and beer!!!
- I'm sure it's made in china…vaxorcist
- I'm sure it's made in china