OpenType TT in OSX

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  • Gnash0

    wish I could help. All the fonts i've purchased are either PS or Open. the TT fonts I do use are those one-offs that I download for free (and their families are usually limited to one face).

    I'm using the same software as you, though. If I find a TT family in my library I'll try and replicate your issue. good luck in the meantime

    • Thanks! Gonna try and replicate the issue on the iMac.funkage
  • funkage0

  • funkage

    Good day, gentlemen.

    So, I have a font in OpenType TT format (OpenType TrueType-flavored) which I've installed into my system (OSX 10.6.7) using FontExplorer Pro 2.5.2. In FontExplorer, the font looks fine but when I launch Photoshop or any Adobe CS5 program for that matter, the font doesn't show the complete family.

    For example: I install Interstate Light, Interstate Light Comp, Interstate Light Cond, and Interstate Light Italic. In Photoshop, Interstate shows up in the font menu but I can't select any of the four faces installed. It uses the last-installed as default. So all I see (and can use) is Interstate Light Italic.

    I went through my entire font library and noticed only the OpenType TT fonts throw up such an issue. I then tried install the same fonts using the default Font Book but to no avail.

    Any of you folks got any idea what's going on?