9 to 5 remote working?
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Is it realistic to find agencies out there that offer this type of work?
- dijitaq0
i sort of did a couple of years ago. i was required to be online for a total of 8 hours. we used a service called odesk to keep track the working hours. i was a bit worried i wouldn't meet the time requirement so i disciplined myself to work from 9 to 5.
- yeh it could be all to easy to leave it until noon, then be like wtf i lost my day!Hombre_Lobo
- Miguex0
It does happen, I've done it and I know lots of of people that do it, but there has to be some reason for it to happen.
For example, you developed a good relationship with the agency for quite some time, and there's a level of trust based on you being responsible, on budget and on time.
Or maybe you are contracted out for a project that will need your help for a couple of months, and you happen to be in a different city.
Maybe is your company and your partner is in another city?
But eventually, they will try to lure you in to work onsite like everyone else, and if you won't/ can't someone else will.
- moldero0
how is oDesk btw?
I just read this post: http://www.qbn.com/topics/567167…
- SoulFly0
There are some service out there where you have to be in front of a webcam as well.
- oh, screw thatmonospaced
- but i work with my cock outmoldero
- nthkl0
Yes, but you have to be an exceptional talent. And by exceptional, I mean your pimp hand is strong son.
- epigraph0
So this is the freedom of freelance with the benefit of a steady paycheck? Sign me up.
- kult0
One of our main front-end developers at R/GA is heading off to live in Vermont. Working remotely, 9-5, just as you said. He's built up a lot of trust over time.