troll goes to jail
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- bigtrick
An "internet troll" who posted obscene messages on Facebook sites set up in memory of dead people has been jailed.
...The posts included comments claiming he had had sex with the victims' dead bodies, the court heard.
- utopian0
Hedge is that you?
- georgesIII0
MAde my day
was he selling chinese goods?
- prophet0
frankpa noooo!!!
- BonSeff0
i wish we could do this to those westboro baptist church freaks
- moldero0
finally some good news
- HijoDMaite0
but necrophilia is a victim-less crime.
- ********0
Poor dude he was just Trolling .
- eating_tv0
I always thought the British were so tolerant of belligerent and foulmouthed people.
- ukit0
OK great, no one's in favor of tormenting families, but what law is that covered under exactly? I wasn't aware being mean was a asshole.
- Hench0
^ I understand your point and agree we are moving towards a totalitarian state at this rate. But in this individual case its almost comforting to know that maybe you can't just sit at home behind your little wall of anonymity and get away with such horrible acts.
- True...maybe it's time to say fuck the law like Clint Eastwoodukit
- ukit0