Project Horror Stories

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  • bjladams0

    place i used to work at had a guy (friend of the boss...former friend of the boss) who we did 2 vehicle wraps for, one hummer and one stretched hummer... he picked them up and never came back to pay- about 15k worth of work. boss man didnt get a deposit or anything. taught me a lot about working for 'friends'

  • d_rek0

    Where I work we have a husband + wife owner operation. The husband is pretty good about not disrupting day-to-day operations but the wife takes a pretty active role with our largest retainer account. Not only does she have part-ownership of the company but she also attempts to account manager, write copy, art direct and occasionally design. And that's where the story ends!

    • I don't know why so many bosses insist on employing their dumb cunt wivesPIZZA
    • +1 That's why women can't get ahead. They (98% of them) micro manage. Not their fault just th way they are.ethandmarquis
  • utopian0

    I am working on one such project now.

    The moral of story... Never help friends with their projects...

    • It's too bad most of our 'friends' can't also be good business partners. Cunts.d_rek
    • the morale is. when it comes to friends, knock it out in 5mins. especially if its FREE. it'll never be worth the hasslehitsuji
  • laurus0

    Thanks so far.... Favors are the worst. I actually decided never to do favors again when a musician friend asked to design her site... I initially said no, but my wife worked my conscious. I ended up doing it for free and spending more hours on it then I was spending on my largest paying clients. ugh.

    I'm also looking for stories like how you work on comps and then sales people squeeze them into a PowerPoint messing them up.

    any stories you have, links to stories or funny videos on the matter will help.
