critique of this site

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  • 5 Responses
  • epigraph0

    I just did some photo work for them, thanks ukit =), and have a bunch of thoughts about structure of the site. I like the idea but don't think it functions as well as it could.

  • ukit0

    Also, unless you're gonna show me pics of half-naked women and/or photography with some sort of redeeming artistic value, I don't really see the point of taking up space with pictures of people no one cares about.

    This actually makes me want to avoid whatever venue that was taken at.

  • neue75_bold0

    I don't do unpaid critique, only unwanted criticism...

    that site looks shit bro..

  • ukit0

    Well let's get the obvious stuff out of the way, I think most will say auto playing music is bad, the header image is cheesy (not to mention a pretty recognizable stock image of New York I think:), and in general the fonts and styling range from mediocre to sucking.

    The worst part might be the weird way they try to keep you on one page (I guess so you can experience the music they are force feeding you) by linking to hashed URLs, which can lead to you being on the events#/events page for instance.

    In terms of the overall structure of the site, it could be worse I guess. We get a list of the newest shows on the first page, so they got that part right.

    Might be more applicable if there were more shows listed (is there really this little going on in Philly?) but I think it would be better to make the genre and venue filtering more discoverable. The Stranger here in Seattle does a decent job with it:… Another element they have which is missing here is pagination.

    As far as the listings themselves go, seems kind of frugal with the info they give you. What's the point of the "more details" toggle when all it shows is the price and artist website? I think these could be integrated into the listing itself. Better yet, give each listing its own page with the band website and additional info and keep the price on the front page.

    That's all I got.

  • mydo0

    does that mean we're not allowed to indicates it's faults?

    • It just sounded patronising to me.MrT
    • people tend to burn everything in site on here especially once the mob mentality takes overepigraph
    • Fair point, I'll leave the critics to their jobs...MrT
  • epigraph

    no affiliation, just curious.

    In case you were wondering:

    critique |kriˈtēk| noun
    a detailed analysis and assessment of something, esp. a literary, philosophical, or political theory.

    criticize |ˈkritəˌsīz|
    verb [ trans. ]
    indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way