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  • locustsloth0

    If you are a Star Wars fan DO NOT GO THERE!!! You will spend hours upon hours discovering an endless stream of facts and storylines that will keep you in it's thrall until you are physically sickfrom your lethargy and emotionally wrecked from you lack of contact with the outside world.

    ok, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but i have gotten sucked into it quite a few times

    • hahjuhls
    • i just found out about it today, a co-worker send the soundbyte 'It's a Trap" by -AAjbranda
  • elahon0

    Your warning has gone unheeded, locust...

  • elahon0

    There goes my fucking afternoon. "Sorry, Clients!"

    "Darth Sion, the Lord of Pain, was a Sith Lord who lived in the time of the Old Sith Wars. As a Sith Marauder in the Great Sith War, Sion fought for Exar Kun's Sith Empire until the day he was struck down. Rather than die, though, Sion found that by calling on his pain, anger, and hatred, he could rise from certain death and achieve immortality, at the cost of all-consuming agony. With a body fractured and decomposing, but held together by the dark side of the Force, Sion survived the Great Sith War."

  • Dodecahedron0

    does not compute

  • Point50

    Midi-chlorians were intelligent microscopic life-forms that served as organelles within all living cells, existing in a symbiotic relationship with the beings they inhabited and comprising a collective consciousness amongst themselves. Present in all life, midi-chlorians were isomorphic on every world that supported life. Midi-chlorians, in fact, were necessary for life to exist. They also allowed for a connection with the pervasive energy field known as the Force; in sufficient numbers, midi-chlorians could allow their symbiont organism to detect the Force, and this connection could be strengthened by quieting one's mind, allowing the midi-chlorians to "speak" to their symbiont and communicate the will of the Force. Counts as low as 2,000 midi-chlorians per cell provided no sensitivity to the Force; an average Human had less than 2,500 per cell, while a mildly Force-sensitive being such as Nova Stihl had a count in excess of 5,000. Jedi had especially high midi-chlorian counts, and of them Anakin Skywalker was said to have the highest ever recorded at over 20,000, even higher than the powerful Jedi Master Yoda. Though Skywalker later lost a good deal of his organic body, his cells continued to teem with midi-chlorians.