Video encoding problem
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- 11 Responses
- Gordy22
I have a .wmv file that requires a specific codec to play. I also want to convert it to .flv but its not converting properly.
Is there a way to change the .wmv file to not require a codec? If I d/l the codec and then resave it it doesn't seem to work.
Anyone any thoughts or ideas? Thanks.
- ideaist0
This is for online usage I assume?
& media encoder doesn't support this conversion?
- prophet0
maybe this'll help?
- Gordy220
Online yeah.
& media encoder? if Adobe one, I've not got it.
- prophet0
i'm sure someone will correct me, but i've always considered wmv files the pain in the ass, non-editable final output version. and what you need is the source file - dv, mov, mp4, etc. (obviously)
- tedvandell0
prophet is right, where is your original? without it you are working with crap.
- Gordy220
I am working with crap. The history of it is that we do these webcasts with a company called gotomeeting. At the end, they give us a .wmv file. However, I need to pop these online to allow people to watch them but some of the clients have not got permissions to d/l a codec on their company systems. So, I need to convert.... the codec crippled wmv is all I have
- prophet0
this might be an awful idea... but can you get a good video screen capture utility that will give you a decent frame rate. marquee your vid, grab it. take the mp4 output or whatever, bring that into handbrake, crop it nicely, output to your ideal format?
- ghandolf0
How big is the file? Is it already available somewhere online to download? I could try converting it for you, or 'washing' it through some of the (purchased) software that I have. It seems to do a great job with stuff like this - but no promises obviously.
- Gordy220
I think this is the most help I've ever got from this place. Cheers guys, I appreciate it.
Ghandolf - I've mailed you a link to the file.
Proph - Yeah - thats a thought, the problem is I've got about 30 of the fuckers.
- tedvandell0
I am assuming you are working on a Mac.
You need Flip4Mac, Quicktime Pro and the codec from gotomeeting installed on your machine.
this will allow you to open the file in Quickitme and you can then export it into your desired file format.
If your still having problems send me the file and I'll do it for you.