Flash CS5 timeline

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  • 22 Responses
  • PIZZA0

    Sums up exactly what is wrong with the Flash development team, it's like they wrote a checklist of features the timeline had to do and threw in some screenshots of After Effects (timeline done right) and then faxed the lot over to India and said "just make sure it's shipped by xx/xx/xx".

    The result is something that looks like it should work and technically works but when you try and use the it you discover it is genuinely fucking useless and hasn't actually been tested as a viable interface.

    For example the Motion Editor is about a screen tall so you need to scroll loads, the scrollbars have been shrunk so are way too small to use so you have to use a mouse wheel but the problem is the mouse wheel also changes any value your cursor is over so you end up editing your animation if you do that so then you have to go and use the shitty 6 pixel wide scrollbar.

    • lol. i like it. i'm a fan of the rant.airey
    • Hahaha. Sooo true.fyoucher1
    • agreed. That's why most people use classic tween and ignore the motion editor.CyBrain
  • airey0

    i'm guessing you fucked something up. it works fine for me.

    and tween wise, what version are you used to using. make sure you choose 'classic tween'.

    out on a limb i'll stand and say 'fucking user error'.

    • just always use classic tween, the new ones are utter shitPIZZA
    • yeah, i feel the same but that could be ignorance.airey
    • me too. I thought I was the only one.fyoucher1
  • Projectile

    srsly wtf?!

    Anyone know of any tuts on how the goddamn motherfuck to use it?

    Can't select or move a keyframe. ummm okay.. creating a tween does fuckall. okaaaay..