Ok go - End Love
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- 17 Responses
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- SigDesign0
I don't like their music, and I'm tired of their shtick...
- PonyBoy0
looks like the original video was sped up then they dropped a bunch of frames?
(trying to figure it out... nothing more)
- fooler20
again, I said it when someone posted their last video... They seem super creative and fun to hang out with I just don't like their music.
Also the guy in the pink creeps me out like a perverted school teacher but I think that's the look he's going for. Kinda like the keyboard player from the Hold Steady and they ended up kicking him out because he was too creepy.
- utopian0
Hipsters, meeh...
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not much real stop motion, just posterizing time from slo mo...
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check your definition of fantastic and get banned dipshit
- no mate this is great, love the time expansions and contractions********
- OKGarbage********
- hey pipe downcannonball1978
- V3?identity
- no mate this is great, love the time expansions and contractions
- ********0
Lgreat ending!
- georgesIII0
I feel bad for always watching their videos but never listenning to their music,
are they worth it?
- megE0
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Maybe I'm just a grouchy old bastard - but I'm pretty sick of this kind of twee, infantilising, lets-dress-in-brightly-coloured... inconsequential bullshit.
Stop motion's always quite nice though - so I suppose it has that.
- I typed 'lets dress in brightly coloured american apparel' but was cut off.********
- Agreed. Cutesy "wouldnt it be cool if..." ideas. Nothing more.inteliboy
- the colors play with focus, be boring it they were all the same. makes sense for the application********
- I typed 'lets dress in brightly coloured american apparel' but was cut off.
- megE0
A+ for reinventing the art of a music video time and time again
- It's all so gimmicky though .. makes the right sounds but doesn't actually mean anything.********
- .. maybe I'm being too harsh?********
- I'm ok with it I guess... I appreciate the creativity and ingenuity over the 'typical' videos these days...megE
- come on... their goldberg machine.... can't deny the awesomenessmegE
- yeah, true .. that was totally awesome.********
- Why does a music video have to "mean something"? It's a marketing tool. Entertainment.xcreonx
- It's all so gimmicky though .. makes the right sounds but doesn't actually mean anything.
- ********0
not as strong as their last one, but I do enjoy that this has become their style. The music isn't life-altering, but I applaud the artistic presence; It's fun and memorable.
I cannot imagine the headache of getting them all in sync in terms of camera and choreography at multiple speeds. Pixellation and stop-motion are painstaking processes.
- cannonball19780
HAHAHAHA The god damn birds following them around
- CygnusZero40
Their music is so awful, I really cant blame them for coming up with these gimmick videos. Noone would care about this band if they didnt make videos like this.
- wouldn't say its awful, but definitely not memorable...I can't even match the song to the videoAa77