Estimated 1 $trillion
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- 36 Responses
- georgesIII
Poor Afghanistan, this is actually the worst thing that could have happend to them.
Yeah, we can pretend this discovery will help build the infrastructure and give some jobs to the locals,
but I have yet to see an example of a war thorn country that miraculously became viable once precious mineral we found.
Afghanistan is pretty much fucked up now, and the US troops are never leaving.
The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves and enough to fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and perhaps the Afghan war itself, according to senior American government officials.The previously unknown deposits — including huge veins of iron, copper, cobalt, gold and critical industrial metals like lithium — are so big and include so many minerals that are essential to modern industry that Afghanistan could eventually be transformed into one of the most important mining centers in the world, the United States officials believe.
- ********0
i wonder if george gets a cut?
- I'm already have €5 invested in poppy fields there,
I'll pull out another 10 for a minegeorgesIII - bush, not III ...********
- I'm already have €5 invested in poppy fields there,
- honest0
First oil in Iraq (no wmd's) and now Afghanistan (no bin laden?)
- mydo0
some people have all the luck
- dorf0
this will end up like Nigeria. They have a large reserve of oil and when oil companies wanted to exploit their resources, they were suckered on the promise that the oil profit would help the Nigerian people. many years later, only the upper class have the riches while the rest of the people suffer from poverty. If the Afghan's don't wise up they'll end up in the same boat.
- you mean nigeria will end up like afghanistan, not the other way around now that the presidend is dead, hell will break losegeorgesIII
- i meant in regards to the level of corruption, but it's hard to say which gov't is more corrupt.dorf
- utopian0
I hope that it all works out for Afghanistan!
- lowimpakt0
Lots of the regions that are rich in resources/minerals that we need for our cars and iphones are politically unstable and rarely do the people benefit properly from the wealth.
- raf0
Great, a genuine, fair reason for the occupation!
Finally the conspiracy theories that the US were only in it for the drug production American Gangster style will be silenced!…
- flashbender0
it all makes a bit more sense now doesn't it.
- it's not like they were ever gonna use those minerals anyway. finders keepers right?lambsy
- exactly. They would not know what to do with 'em.flashbender
- utopian0
On the brighter side of things Nigeria has plenty of lead deposits!
- raf0
- ukit0
America, fuck yeah!
And we win in soccer too!!
- TheBlueOne0
This will be perfect for President Paul and his Teabagger Government:
Wall, meet writing.
- Ron Paul never supported sending out troops, was among 6 Republicans to oppose Iraq war. Has Jr different stance?raf
- You took my snark way too seriously.TheBlueOne
- Must be a Pavlov's dog reaction, I got used to your seriousness on these things :)raf
- I flit back and forth between seriousness and playful incredulity. Only way I can remain sane.TheBlueOne
- My point was that Rand doesn't seem to give a shit about strip mining in USAt, so why would he care about strip mining afghanistan.TheBlueOne
- in afghanistan.TheBlueOne
- And Rand being an outlier for what is normative US policy anyway.TheBlueOne
- ********0
"Afghanistan could eventually be transformed into one of the most important mining centers in the world, the United States officials believe."
Nice find but trust me if anyone is getting the money it will be America.
- ukit0
Just to play Devil's advocate, I would wait for more info before jumping to conclusions about America's evil motives.
Remember, the original Secret Reason for Afghanistan was to build a pipeline that would carry oil to the Pakistani ports? What happened to that?
And saying the invasion had nothing to do with terrorism, who are these guys we keep shooting in the border region every few weeks? I guess it could all be a big charade, but it seems weird to be targeting such a diplomatically sensitive area (technically part of Pakistan) if you weren't actually hunting terrorists. And Al Queda will even occasionally issue a statement saying, OK, you got one of our guys, or something to that effect.
Buy hey, maybe it's all true, and they are piping oil, drilling for heavy metal, and hunting Bin Laden, WHILE high on heroin. My only point is that we really have no idea.
- It's not the evil motives per se, it's the evil opportunism that's about to happen.TheBlueOne
- Well, it kind of matters which one right?ukit
- mydo0
- georgesIII0
Ukit our generation wasn't program by pro Taliban movies,
we believe we're free and that coincidences are only coincidences,
before that Taliban are bad paragdym was pulled over our eyes,
our parents called them freedom fighters, maybe that is what they've been fighting for three decades now,
maybe they just want us to leave them in peace,
afghanistan 40 years ago was developed, women worked had a viable future, guess what Happen,
I'll let Rambo give us a reminder that we're only seeing the taliban/mujahideen the way we see them now is because we've been "program" to act like that,
-- btw I'm not saying your wrong on your point, just completing it with my tired point of viewgeorgesIII
- TheBlueOne0
File under Alternate Theory, Propaganda:
" Some alert readers have pointed out that news of the big mineral find was reported in China in February (… ) and copper mining has been underway since 2007. Given the flurry of not so hot press a couple of days ago on the progress of the war in Afghanistan, is the New York Times being used as a mouthpiece to push a justification as to why we are there, and a superfically plausible rationale as to why we might be able to get the population on our side?"
- hmmm, seems like it was widely known, article mentions 1970s as when some mines were discovered.ukit