Jquery Masonry
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- 16 Responses
- comicsans
Nice effect, this is going to get overused really quickly but with restraint it will produce nice grid layouts http://desandro.com/resources/jq…
- bigtrickagain0
- zr0
I'm using it on a site right now.
One thing that tripped me up is that you always need to specify columnWidth, even if singleMode is true. Once I got past that, works beautifully.
- tymeframe0
bookmarked, thanks!
- duckseason0
I love his work - all his CSS trickery is great
- ideaist0
Jquery = lame/mundane replacement for flash; sorry guys i had to say it...
- It feels like a compromise rather than a true replacement is what I mean...ideaist
- dumb commentzr
- wow; constructive feedback from a jquery user...ideaist
- see below for a quick glimpse of the type of intellect/whimsy you may one day develop once you grow up...ideaist
- i'm also a flash user... does that mean I should be confrontational and patronising?zr
- & achieve a slight degree of self respect in order to post your own work / whimsy to a public audience...ideaist
- "dumb comment" isn't "confrontational and patronising" in any way; my apologies...ideaist
- (if you're wondering, yes, that was my own personal whimsy/sarcasm injected to convey self esteem)ideaist
- a flash replacement? you're ignorant.acescence
- i should have said alternative instead of replacement... My apologies gang!ideaist
- that's ok, but I still don't agree.acescence
- Jquery isn't meant to be a replacement for flash********
- bigtrickagain0
it's not supposed to be a replacement. it's supposed to be a compromise. that's why it feels like a compromise instead of a replacement.
- zr0
It is neither a replacement nor a compromise, it serves a different purpose and does it in an elegant and accessible way.
- taxiguerrilla0
Don't think at jQuery like a flash replacement. It's a completely different technology with a different use.
- ********0
jquery lame, html5 better
- ********0
"...this is going to get overused really quickly..."
You say that as if jMasonry is new. This is well over 1.5 years old.
- section_0140
Pretty cool for the right application. What's up with all the Jquery hate? I love jquery.
- ideaist0
My only criticism above relating to Jquery was that the design community is in a scramble to choose the next STANDARD technology/technologies that has/have the sign of approval from Apple: iPad, iPhone, etc. compatibility.
I know, I know; this will not turn into a pro-flash, anti-apple argument, I simply feel that the internet has thus been stripped of a lot of dynamic stuff because we have all settled on standardized wordpress, c a r g o, etc. driven sites that seem to lack the personality and originality of flash-driven sites of a time passed...
That is all...
I like the overall quality of work / technology used now a days and some of the cutting edge stuff is quite exciting, I simply feel a lot of us have chosen functionality over form and it will come at the expense of individuality.
I know "that originality can exist within strict guidelines" but it's starting to feel like complacency; is is that a designer is complacent and an artist rejects complacency?
- I'm looking for a deep meaning in this all; can you tell?! : )ideaist
- Ideaist, I think I agree with you here. I feel the same way, but you gotta have tools for rapid development.********
- so it's simply the state of business? speed of delivery trumps all?ideaist
- JQuery's popularity is already well established and really has nothing to do with Apple or the iPadukit
- kpl0
- zr0
Your argument seems to be against design patterns in general.
A lot of the problems we try and solve as designers are common and using established patterns isn't a bad thing in itself. It gets problematic when people forget or don't realise the opportunities to make a creative response.
I don't think jQuery makes someone more likely to be complacent but I agree that complacency is a major problem.
- ukit0
"jquery lame, html5 better"
And in other news, apples are much better than oranges.
- vaxorcist0
seriously.... jquery masonry could have been very, very useful on a huge website I did a few years ago, the amount of kludge code required to hack stuff into place was horrible to maintain and this approach clearly is more elegant....