Combine multiple swf files
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- 8 Responses
- jimzy0
Ah brilliant, thanks a million for those links Airey they are perfect!
i owe you a pint now! ;)
Yeah that all makes (more) sense to me now, you are a god!
- airey0
as a brief note and example, flash files loaded on top of each other have transparent backgrounds except where you have artwork obviously.
so take the small and very basic site i did: files are:
• a background file that fills the browser and centers the content swf
• a nav swf that has the logo, contact info and navigation
• 4 swf files for each nav sectionhope this starts to help!
- brilliant thats making much more sense now too. cheersjimzy
- i really like that site - very simple and effective - nice********
- airey0
ahh righto then.
yep, some links below (some better than others but it'll give you an idea) and good luck!
general overview:
•… (vs 5 tute so just take a look over it to give you an idea as the images will help)kirupa target vs level (older version of flash)…video for flash 8:…adobe specifics:
•…basically google or youtube 'flash load external swf' and the version number of flash your using as as2 vs. as3 make a difference also.
- jimzy0
Hah sorry airey, misunderstood you there.
I've no knowledge on building site with flash.So would you recommend doing it through actionscript for a flash noob like me? Is that the easiest process or is there a simpler process that can combine them.
- airey0
that's no help. i'm trying to work out if you're clueless on how to actually build sites with flash.
flash sites are almost always multiple swf files called in and out of a host or several host files via either layers or more usually mclips via actionscript.
are you aware of this?
- jimzy0
trying to export a group of flash files to create one larger swf or video file from a group of smaller ones.
- airey0
you mean for online, like your meant to build flash sites or are you trying to export to video or similar?
- jimzy
Does anyone have any recommendations on how to combine multiple swf files into one larger file?
Is there an quick and easy process than I am missing?