best job role to send cv too
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- 11 Responses
- LukeO
I feel I should know this answer, maybe because I've always worked in small agencies I don't. So who would be the best person to send my graphic designer cv too,
The Creative Director
The Design Director
or even
The Office manager?I should probably call up and ask in every instance, but is there a general answer here?
Tried qbn 'search' but no help. Many thanks in advance.
- clearThoughts0
Probably Design Director or Creative Director.... most job descriptions have a contact email.
- LukeO0
I guess I was thinking of going straight to the creative director over the design director. Then I thought maybe the DD is probably more interested in designers than the CD. Now I can't decide who, generally, would appreciate a cold cv more?
- opps, I meant 'who would appreciate a cold cv more?'LukeO
- bored2death0
Now matter which one you send it to, it'll probably end up in the trash. Sorry, that's the truth.
- Most of them will. Some will not. I'm aware of the odds. Cheers though.LukeO
- Speak for yourself.monospaced
- bored2death0
Why not send it to all three? Increase your chances. But tailor it to each individual so it doesn't come across as spam.
- Yeah, why not, your right though, all have to be tailored in some way to avoid looking spammy.LukeO
- d_rek0
Depends on the size of the place you're looking at really. Small-to-mid studios you'll want to hit up the design/creative/director and hr person if they have one.
Mid-to-large hit up the recruiter if they have one and then just work your way up the ladder from there.
- Thanks d_rek. I was wondering how the big boys deal with recruitment. Food for thought.LukeO
- BaskerviIle0
your subject title is littered with inconsistencies.
There is no such phrase as 'job role' a role is a job, they are the same thing. I think you mean position. Also you mean 'send cv to' not 'send cv too'.
This doesn't bode well for your application. Get these things straight before sending your CV.- http://en.wikipedia.…)LukeO
- fail, exactlyBaskerviIle
- Bad joke, appreciate your comments though!LukeO
- LukeO0
sorry miss.
Send it to HR and have them sort it all.
- LukeO0
Could do. It'll save a load of time! but I've been told a 1000 times over (and also believe) getting a name shows you've done homework. It's worked for me in the past.
- ********0
I would actually send it to the designer/creative director directly if possible, with an obvious CC to HR. The dynamic is different everywhere, and by CCing both, you are giving yourself two chances to not get shuffled under the rug. Just my personal opinion.
- Glad to hear this... this is how I'm thinking right now. Many thanks!LukeO
- zarkonite0
I'd try to hit someone up in the creative department.
HR can't tell a good creative from a donut and ultimately you should be reaching the person that'll make the call to hire you or not... if the CD likes your folio you're in, what's HR gonna do? put your CV in the pile...