Aperture 3
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- 8 Responses
- duckseason
Didn't see this posted yet.
Not too crazy about the updates that are most touted are recycled updates from the last version of iPhoto.
- duckseason0
Was going to add that it looks like, as with most product updates, that they are just dumbing a lot of it down. Then I saw this line on the site, "It’s pro performance with iPhoto simplicity."
- bored2death0
Are you a 'designer'? If so, do you use Aperture daily? I'm just curious how it would replace or complement PS.
- it has nothing to do with photoshop, I will compare it to lightroom thoughMeeklo
- ernexbcn0
it's also a 64 bit app now
- ernexbcn0
200+ new features
- dibec0
Meh. Apple lost this race a long time ago. It's an Apple only product. It does the job yet barely. Any time Apple updates Aperture it is just catching up with Adobe Lightroom's advancement and performance. Leave it to the pros Apple you lost this race long ago.
- bogue0
geeeeeeeze... i just spent a bunch of time migrating all of my photos to lightroom, because my new Lumix Lx-3 wasn't supported by aperture. Now here is aperture3 and its supports the lx-3. Why does god continue to mock me?
- dibec0
Meeklo. It's not subjective, it's actually my professional experience. I have used both, actually started out in Aperture. I will download the trail for 30 days and try it as I always do. I am not certain that is "subjective". We could argue that till our ears bleed.
Lightroom overall has better integration with all my tools, and not only my tools but others as well have shared this same experience. From my Canon products (Printer and Cameras) to other software applications. It has always worked and always has out performed Aperture in all regards, once again not only do I share this feeling but others have as well. Like I mentioned earlier Apple is always catching up with Adobe in regards to a strong and powerful photo editor. I have watched and experienced this happen from the first version release of Aperture to the beta days of Lightroom. Lightroom has always been more flexible, more advanced, more stable, more user friendly, and more finely tuned in performance. Adobe has been in the imaging industry for a long time, Apple recently started.
Look I love Apple as much as the next man does, but I will be honest this is not a great product for the realm of RAW editing. I have pushed both software applications to their limits and Lightroom has always come out ahead. I showed other photographers how to accomplish what they could not in Aperture.
Sure it's my opinion, but it's not based on pure speculation. It's based on professional experience. Go use your Aperture, love it, worship, praise it and I will do the same for Lightroom. =P