IE Coalition
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- 8 Responses
- honest
Whatever happened to the coalition task force in charge of ridding the world of Internet Explorer for a multitude of sins and crimes against humanity?
- monospaced0
Apple's still in business.
- detritus0
it bumped headlong into reality?
- honest0
I've decided to add a few extra hours into each site estimate and if the client asks me why, I'll tell them to contact Microsoft to get their money back.
- ********0
if you build sites on a regular basis only ie6 will give you any bother and once you know its shittness its quite easy to acommodate... lets moan about something new eh?
- honest0
it's fucking cold!
- jfletcher0
oh man, everything MS is so bad, I can't stop complaining. Most of the time I can complain without even trying the products, I just know it's bad because someone on the internet told me!
- Stugoo0
all doing our bit to educate clients and make things a happier place, experience will get you out of most holes.
but what ckentish said really.
- Stugoo0
im jsut sick of everyone flaming about it. stop whining like children on mw2 and start doing something about it... Im sure there is a place where companies have been named and shamed for using the browser.