Email Scams - Post here
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- Meeklo0
I've been getting a lot of these lately:
Dear Facebook user,
Due to Facebook policy changes, all Facebook users must submit a new, updated account agreement, regardless of their original account start date.
Accounts that do not submit the updated account agreement by the deadline will have restricted.Please unzip the attached file and run "agreement.exe" by double-clicking it.
The Facebook TeamConfirmation Code #: 3285930105481
- my spam box ate that exe can you send me yours? maybe uploadvia rapidshare?version3
- ...smell my fingermikotondria3
- my dad would double-click it in a minute********
- kgvs720
Variations of emails of someone from Nigeria.
- akrok0
From: "Stephan Boswell" <>
Subject: Please look my CV. Thank you.
I have figured out that you have an available job.
I am quiet intrested in it. So I send you my resume,Looking forward to your reply.
Thank you.
- bulletfactory0
anything dealing with a fake lottery.... subject: "You have been awarded..."
- NL lottery.akrok
- i think you're missing the point of this thread.********
- akrok0
plenty of viagra shh.
- ********0
Unfortunately we were not able to deliver your postal package you have sent on the 12th of March in time
because the addressee's address is erroneous.
Please print out the invoice copy attached and collect the package at our department.DHL Express Services.
:: mystery zip attached ::
- nuggler0
Iwish to notify you that late Jurgen Krugger made you a beneficiary in his WILL.
Jurgen Krugger until his death was a member ofthe Helicopter Society and the Institute of Electronic & Electrical Engineers and a German property magnet.He was a very dedicated christian who loved to give out alms to the poor,hungry and needy.
He left the sum of Thirty Million, One Hundred Thousand Dollars(USD$30,100.000.00) to you in the Codicil and last testament to his WILL. This may sound strange and unbelievable to you, but it is real and true. Being a widely travelled man, he said he met you sometime in the past or simply you were nominated to him by one of his numerous friends abroad who wished you good, I am not too sure again.
Please if I reach you as Iam hopeful, endeavor to get back to me as soon as possible to enable me conclude my job.I hope to hear from you in no distant time.
I await your prompt response and please keep this very discrete and to yourselfuntil the transfer of the funds to you is finalised.
Please reply to
- something about wwii made German property magnetic.nuggler
- nuggler0
This just in: (excerpt)
We are happy to inform you once again that your parcel that contains the sum of $2 million dollars is among the 24 parcel’s listed which is now in my office and also with your name as the receiver despite that we lost your private residential address’s, which is an indication that you can now re-send your residential address, telephone as stated above back to the UPS company where your parcel can be delivered to you without hesitation with this e-mail ( remember that the sender of this parcel to you that the fiduciary agent still owes the UPS delivery company the sum of $100 before incident occurs, note that this company has spend out of their incomes in the process by recovery back your parcel’s dear customer we once again appreciate your patronage in our favor.
Without hesitations you are to pay for just the balance left by your sender since we have lost his contact. via western union so that your parcel can be delivered to your residential address before it accumulate a demurrage after one week only, as you know your parcel is not just an ordinary parcel but with a huge amount and I think you understand what I mean by accumulating a demurrage? Which you will not allow to happen to your recovery parcel that almost gone if not for the love that the good God have for you by favoring you with his favor because it was God who did it not by your power but by the spirit say the lord.
- hans_glib0
Women will be standing in line just to touch your watch. Instead of having one Submariner SS model you can have a few of them.
- hans_glib0
ELLO!!! My name is Natalia! I live in Russia, dating site, I am looking for the second half. I want to find true love, I loved your profile, I would like to continue with you dialogue.
If you do not mind to write me an e-mail: mam aeva natal ian@Bon B on.n et
I am very tired of being single. I really want to build a serious relationship. I'll be glad to communicate ..... Natalia
- hans_glib0
Good morning,
We have prepared a contract and added the paragraphs that you wanted to see in it.
Our lawyers made alterations on the last page. If you agree with all the provisions we are ready to make the payment on Friday for the first consignment.
We are enclosing the file with the prepared contract.
If necessary, we can send it by fax.
Looking forward to your decision.
"Terra Harmon
- hans_glib0
Dear Valued Customer,
You have a new message waiting in your Inbox Folder.
Click here to read.
Best Regards.
Alliance & Leicester Security Department Team.* Please do not reply to this email as your reply will not be received.
Alliance & Leicester is part of the Santander Group, one of the world's largest banking groups. More information on Banco Santander can be found at
- hans_glib0
Our company is pleased to offer you a well-paid part-time job.
Location : United Kingdom
The minimum requirements for candidates:
- UK mainland residents.
- 18 years old and over.If you are interested, please send your resume to : mark_lewis1@liv e.c om
Best regards,
Mark Lewis
- hans_glib0
if you cannot see the graphics in this mailing, click here
“add a little character
to your business”
with 3D animation and marketing from Mustard Design.
Click on the thumbnails below for some examples of our work.
We can create a 3D fly-through animated
journey of any business product or service...
...for web or DVD.
For an exclusive design service that is approachable, unpretentious and highly competitive, let us visualise your business in 3D.
We provide a flexible service that can be tailored to your requirements. Our designers and animators can visualise almost any scenario in 3D. It can be a cityscape, desert, rainforest or ocean on a red planet - when it comes to animation there really are no limits!
Our creative team offer exclusive professional design solutions, specialising in 3d design, animation and marketing packages. Our specialist skill is to quickly understand the core elements that make your business unique. We then convert those USP’s into a simple and visually stunning animation that could entice and delight your clients.
(Our service extends to producing: brochures/print/business stationary/websites)
Click Here for more information or a no-obligation quotation