flash issue
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- 10 Responses
- zaq0
I just remembered I had this issue. Create a new file, select all the frames from your existing file and copy into a new one. That should fix this
- Ive had to do that with 100Meg documents before, nailbitingly taking 20 mins to transfer...mikotondria3
- chrisone0
Is the layer masked with nothing in the mask layer?
- jimzy0
yeah thats solved it zaq! thanks a lot.
strange the way this happens. I've never had this happen before in flash, I can only think its a memory thing.
Although the file actually isnt that big, only around 5 mb, cheers zaq
- sixfngers0
There is a little square outline box just above your layers palette that makes everything show as outlines. If you click that it will display all of your bitmaps as just outlines. I just copied and pasted frames from one flash file to another and notice it doesn't retain that setting so that was might have been the issue.
- Milan0
what's a pasterboard/pasteboard?
- zaq0
in publishing settings export hidden layers should be checked
- jimzy0
sorry typo, pasteboard, you know your window, or document area whatever you want to call it. but it's a good start.
- jimzy0
zaq yeah its exporting everything perfectly, but for some reason it's not previewing some images (not all of them) in the flash file as I am working on it.
- zaq0
Enable Live Preview under control Menu
- Milan0
hmm, I've never run into that. you must have a lot of images stacked, maybe it's a flash memory issue?