Cocomino Live
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- Last post
- 10 Responses
- Kiko
Good morning QBN.
Bit chilly outside in London now. Cocomino is now live so any feedback from you guys would be much appreciated.
- utopian0
I digging it, wish I could see some of your client work, kudos!
- Kiko0
hahah!! So do I. The recent ones are in progress but hopefully we will have something up soon.
- Dancer0
Hey Fed,
Is this your place? Looks good.
one thing I would say is the text comes across as a arrogant:
"Like everything is do, we've kept it relevant, we're pretty proud of it too"
"Here's a list of brands we've worked with, not bad eh?"
Other than that... all good.
- Kiko0
any feedback please?
- utopian0
- yeah I was thinking about doing that, then adding a muffin on the floor or somethingKiko
- Ill give it a go. CheersKiko
- I prefer it with a bit of color how it is, having all the logos the same color looks a little boring imo.FlashMonkey
- Dancer0
^ disagree. But Utopian is a better designer than I so....
- ********0
It all looks a bit tacky in my opinion. Not exactly sure why as the recipe is classy in theory. Maybe its the size of the font or the spacing but it looks a little amateur. The border gives it a tacky feel aswell. Also agree with utopian on the client logos.
I would liken this to a nice recipe which the cook hasn't quite gotten down right just yet. Nice but needs work!
- detritus0
Home -
The ball of wool looks a little small, and the shadow at the point the thread leaves the end of "digital" could do with a little more love.Client List -
The second half of that intro sentence doesn't read all that well. As a potential client, I'm not sure I'd understand what "we've worked with as individuals" means, and if I did get it, I'm not sure I'd see it as a positive.News -
"(or online destination as we like to call it)" sounds really twatty, but that's probably just me. Your overall site style and tone tries to be friendly and tech free - then you dish out this bit of gobbledygook?Contact Us -
imho, the phone image could do with filling more of that space to the right, as its partner images do in other sections.
Why is email not initial-capped, and "Us" is?
Why are there no brackets around the international code?- thank you for that valuable feedback. Will make those changes as soon as possKiko