RIP John Hughes
RIP John Hughes
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- 37 Responses
- utopian0
- i used to have the biggest crush on molly. Rip johnbaseline_shift
- I Love Jake Ryan********
- I had a thing for Molly too. Weird cause now I find her ugly as shit. I'm so shallow.5timuli
- favorite scene ever! :) lol.sea_sea
- instrmntl0
- PonyBoy0
sad... heart attack... dropped dead during a walk. :(
RIP man who gave us all those chick flicks that i secretly love
- ********0
- it was useless the first time you posted it, mr. 'I make threads that make no sense.' :)PonyBoy
- Stugoo0
- inkpink0
def had a huge impact on our (born in the 70s?) generation.
- Ramanisky20
Some of my all-time favorite movies ... I can watch em always
RIP :(
- janne760
- ********0
- kgvs720