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- studderine
what is it like to live in Alberta or BC? how shitty cold does it get in Calgary or Vancouver?
- desmo0
it doesnt get that cold in vancouver. expect a lot of rain.
calgary, alberta - you'll need a parka.
no igloo's
- bmacneill0
i live in Edmonton which is about 2.5hours north of Calgary by car. In the winter months (Nov-Mar) it can get down to -20F for a week at a time. We usually have a couple of those throughout the winter, with an average temp of 10-15F. Calgary is only marginally warmer.…
- Corvo20
- horton0
The Economist's World's Most Livable Cities 2009
City Country Rating
1 Vancouver Canada 98.0- This doesn't mean shit to the common man. Vancouver is expensive a fuck. How does that translate to livable?bort
- buddy asked about the weather.horton
- A lot of Canadian cities are in the top. It's awesome.juhls
- It's based on stability, health care, culture and environment, education, and infrastructurejuhls
- Liveable is about as subjective as anything else in life. These lists never make sense to me.CyBrainX
- canuck0
I find Calgary isolated. Not sure I could live there. Plus their weather kinda sucks, my brother was telling me they had snow couple weeks back.
- bmacneill0
The only thing nice about Calgary is that if you enjoy skiing, there is some of the best in the world just 1.5 hours away. The rocky mountains are beautiful. Otherwise, I think Canuck is right—isolated.
- boobs1
People are nice in Canada. They're cuddly, and they drink a lot.
- elDoctor0
Stay away from Vancouver we don't like your kind.
- 2cents0
Not interested in Toronto? What about Montreal? Those are my personal fave cities in Canada. If you're looking for a great downtown full of culture stay away from Vancouver.
- sikma0
I lived in Calgary for 6 years and Edmonton for 4 years. The prairies have their charm and I visit both cities yearly, but I wouldn't recommend moving there. Very Conservative.
Vancouver on the other hand is amazing. Beaches, skiing, hiking and no harsh winters! Most people I know from the prairies eventually moved to Van and their only regrets was not doing it sooner.
- how is calgery conservative?studderine
- rednecks doing redneck things = calgary stampedehotroddy
- Corvo20
City vs City. My favourite QBN threads. Honestly.
- hitsuji0
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- studderine0
so Calgary is conservative and boring, where as Vancouver is liberal and happening?
- juhls0
Anna Paquin was born in Winnipeg.