Is it a good time to go freelance?
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- 20 Responses
- Kiko
In London?
- flashbender0
No. The market is very slow right now.
Even in December/January I had been getting a couple calls and about 3 emails per day. Now I'm getting about 4 per week. If that.
It also depends on what you do - multi-discipline, web, print, whatever.
But don't take my work for it - call some recruitment agencies and talk to them about the markets for what you do.
If you are currently employed, I'd suggest keeping your head down, ride out the recession and start looking at freelance when things pick up.
- Kiko0
thank you, some sound advice. Yes I am employed, but I am in one of those situations where it hurts every day to come into work, where every brief makes you die inside a little bit more. But its better then being unemployed.
- haha, I feel your pain. Make a couple calls to feel out your market segment, but don't hold your breath.flashbender
- i know that pain... do some personal projects or learn something new - a craft or instrument, or martial art is goodAmicus
- So what you're saying is you have a job?duckofrubber
- MrT0
4 calls a week is a slow market?
How many days in your week?- compared to 2-3 per day, yes. 4 contacts either calls or emails per week now.flashbender
- Kiko0
well, still you cannot be without work with that number of calls a week right?
- flashbender0
Oh, I have work. I just accepted an extension to my current contract. ;)
I'm just saying that it has slowed down considerably in the past few months and even when I talk to the recruiters who I consider "good" they tell me that things are really slow on their end, that they are just not seeing nearly as many job requests coming through as they had even in March.
- flashbender0
There is work out there, what I'm trying to say is that it is safer/"smarter" to stay put and ride out the slow time if you're currently working.
Take a look at some of the job boards, you'll see there's work, but at the same time a position that had 200 applicants last year now has about 350 or 400.
If you really can't take it anymore I would seriously just call up a good recruitment agency and have a chat with them about where things are at, your skills might be in demand.
- gentleman0
well i'm still thinking of handing my notice next month and see what happens..
*you will find me under bridge spooning Kiko for warmth and spare change*
- Dancer0
Does Teddies mean anything to you?
- Kiko0
um yes.... sort of why?
- boobs0
It's always a good time to go freelance if you really hustle!
- Dancer0
Cause I think I know you!!
- spooky!!!Kiko
- So do you recognise who I am?Dancer
- I recognize your name from your site, but cant put a picture to it, Was too stoned at school.Kiko
- come one, the suspense is killing me!Kiko
- I meant onKiko
- What do you want me to do? Send a picture? Will I left at 16, was mates with Hammu < Same houseDancer
- I remember you! Damn! what a small world. You in contact with anyone?Kiko
- Will drop you a mail in a bitDancer
- SentDancer
- phew.
glad thats sorted...mistermik - Shut yer cake'ole milkyDancer
- epikore0
today is a good day to slit one's wrist
- boobs0
Every day is a good day to slit one's wrist, if one really hustles.
- Autokern0
Summer is never this great period to go freelancing. Would be better to wait until sept. (IMO)
- ********0
yes, London is bubbling with work mate
- raf0
Obviously you haven't been unemployed if you say a job that sucks is better.
- mistermik0
nowt much up here
- boobs0
Actually, it's time for Mr. LittleHead:…
- Scotch_Roman0
It's no better here in the States. I just lost a great but low-paying project to cheap labor. I did a fair bit of work up front in writing print specs and collecting bids, because they only wanted to pay one person for printing and design. I basically would've had to split the very modest budget with a printer. I thought I had it in the bag and was just waiting for them to get organized so I could submit an official proposal and get started, then find out this morning that it's being handled in-house. I know, good riddance from a financial standpoint, but damn it really would've been a nice portfolio piece.
- why are you doing work before you get paid?sauce
- A combination of stupidity and desperation. Also, this client is in one of the niches that I'm actively pursuing.Scotch_Roman
- ...And because I had the distinct impression that I had it sewn up—they really loved my work and I thought we clicked.Scotch_Roman
- Again though, probably more stupidity on my part than anything else.Scotch_Roman