The iSnort
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- 12 Responses
- mikotondria30
oh wow :).
I detect a genuine unappreciation for cocaine here today - if you examine any thoughts of mine on this forum on the subject over the last 10 years or so, you'll see I've maintained a consistent opinion yet mostly people have responded with 'nah, fack off mate, cokes alright - you need to stop telling people what to do', but today thats at least 2 people that agree that chang is flith. Excellent :)- way to get political. It was supposed to be just a comical thread.bump79
- oh well, I'll just fuck off then. You just let us know when and how we can respond to your rapier wit, then eh ?mikotondria3
- oh no - I just realised - you had something to do with this, didn't you ? I hope someone you know dies from cocaine.mikotondria3
- 23kon0
p.s check the nick of the guys donor card. thats a laugh isnt it?
it looks like a well used donor card - used for cutting up lines.
who the feck is going to want his organs?!?!?!
- 23kon0
the guy in the vid looks like the the kind of fat sweaty greasy haired numpty you see coked out of their face in pubs and aint big and it aint clever
- bump790
- lvl_130
£5? um, no.
- mikotondria30
What I like is that the guy doing the demo looks like he has serious blood-pressure issues, and should never be near a like of gak. I've known several people who either developed cardio-vascular problems as a result of, or exacerbated existing CV issues by using cocaine, and as a result died from using it. When you look at that guy the fact that one is 50 times more likely to suffer a cardiac incident when high on cocaine really rings home.
And whats with all the 'wooo !! -ahhhh!!!!' showboating at the end ?
Cocaine is for twats, end of.- PS It just isn't funny, either.mikotondria3
- +1. Coke is shite.BuddhaHat
- "Cocaine, it's a hell of a drug"
-Rick Jameszarkonite
- bump790
I don't know, it might be worth it!
- Nairn0
If you build it, they will come.
- gjd0
Not paying £5 though
- gjd0