we are so small
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- ********0
it ain't the size of the boat. it's the motion in the ocean.
- GeorgesII0
if you like astronomy and some spirituality, this video will blow your mind
we are truly small and probably not alone at all- I think I saw this lecture live.monospaced
- just that intro music blew my mindnadnerb
- really mono, that must have been really coolGeorgesII
- ********0
this kind of stuff makes me want to quit everything. even standing at the ocean makes me feel insignificant. we're nothing. the nothing of nothing's nothing.
- monospaced0
Significant or not, you still have to play this game.
- The game of life.monospaced
- i don't take it for granted. i know how greatly significant and greatly insignificant it is.********
- Do they have Playstation2 version?TheBlueOne
- harlequino0
Say this blanket represents all the matter and energy in the universe, okay? You, me, everything. Nothing has been left out, all right? All the particles, everything. Let's just say that this is me, all right? And I'm, what, 60-odd years old and I'm wearing a gray suit. Blah, blah, blah.
And let's say over here, this is you. And, you're... I don't know, you're 21. You got dark hair, etc. And over here, this is Vivian, my wife and colleague. Then over here, this is the Eiffel tower, right? It's Paris! And this is a war. And this is, uh, a museum. And this is a disease. And this is an orgasm. And this is a hamburger.
Everything is the same even if it's different.
- sureshot0
holy shit!
- kreydle0
Mind boggling, that's for sure. Great stuff on the History channel (their Universe show) about this.
- Kiggen0
I really like the vastness of space. Must be amazing that one day we might explore this...
- monospaced0
And to think that there are people out there who think that the universe is only thousands of years old.
- better still people who think the world is flatKiko
- no!monospaced
- BattleAxe0
i want to be frozen and shot up into space and just hope some aliens dont think im a tv dinner
- ninjasavant0
science makes me giddy.
- ********0
"jupiter, saturn, and uranus are all gas planets. they do not have solid surfaces"
what the? I didn't know that. so they're just... air? they shouldn't even be planets, ffs.
- You never wondered what Jupiter's Great Red Spot actually was?Nairn
- i knew it was a storm, and that it was gaseous, but i figured it was happening on top of some solid surface.********
- liquid hydrogen and possible solids too: http://en.wikipedia.…ribit
- monospaced0
What's worse, their arguments, or their site design?
- chrisRG0
old, but still good. (GOD: General Organization of Development)
- _niko0
Alexander cried when he heard Anaxarchus talk about the infinite number of worlds in the universe. One of Alexander's friends asked him what was the matter, and he replied:
"There are so many worlds, and I have not yet conquered even one."
- ********0
yeah, we are alone ////////
- Nairn0
Antonelli - the gas giants that rim our system are, although wholly alien to our experience, actually quite similar constructions.
As humans, we have an anthropocentric viewpoint - we see ourselves as land-dwellers, up top on the surface, with the seas down, somewhere beneath us when we paddle at the beach.
But then, we breathe air from an atmosphere of gas - in essence, we are no different to lobsters or flat fish, lying at the bottom of a gaseous ocean. It's all a question of density gradients, and we live somewhere in the middle of Earth's.
- http://trekmovie.com…harlequino
- Which is to day, you're right.
:)Nairn - Right back atya, Harl!
http://farm3.static.…Nairn - Haha! :)harlequino
- flat fish?! speak for yourself, young man.Corvo2
- hmm. thanks i think. that makes sense. i just thought jupiter was a lot denser is all.********
- plash0
in response to George V. Coyne, SJ - dir. of the vatican observatory:
The Bible teaches us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go. - Galileo Galilei- I don't trust anything that comes out of that military compound.********
- I don't trust anything that comes out of that military compound.