Science Of The Day

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  • 306 Responses
  • prophetone0
  • hydro7411

  • PhanLo4

    • lol christians against science using computers and technology. it's of the devil!futurefood
    • What is the exact point to argue with them any longer. For last 1000 years they have decided to throw logic and reasoning out the window.futurefood
    • Longer than that, after you present evidence to contradict what they believe, suddenly they will understand?
      Please, let them eat dirt.
    • Best we can do is think of ways to take their money with little crosses and chocolate bibles.futurefood
    • Make the institutions pay taxes, and hold them accountable for all crimes.monospaced
    • (that they commit)monospaced
    • Religion = Idiotic Moronsutopian
    • The proper response to anybody that thinks this?…garbage
    • The loud-mouthed ignorance of the uneducated should not be our burden. I don't care if you need faith to get you through the day..garbage
    • ..but don't be dumb. We have tools that date back 40,000 BCE, and fossils exponentially older than that.garbage
    • When I was a teen, an adult once tried to argue that the universe looks old because god “antiqued” it to look as old as it is. He was convinced of this.futurefood
    • This is the level of stupidity that we are still dealing with. How are we of the same species as a lot of these wackos?futurefood
    • not any mind there to change...neverscared
    • Oh my.. that's a special type of stupid. Are you absolutely sure he wasn't fucking with you?garbage
    • Good grief. It's one big QBN circle jerk here. Look at you all in your echo chamber of condescension. Predictable and boring. Not one of you commented on the ..Morning_star
    • ...on Nathans logically inept response.Morning_star
    • @garbage He wasn’t kidding at all. Even after I laughed at the ridiculous idea that an all powerful god needed to fake the scenery....futurefood
    • They simply make up whatever nonsense to fit what makes sense to them. Foolish way of thinking.futurefood
    • @Morning_star Not sure if you are being flippant here. Nathan provided a great example (one of thousands) of a natural process....futurefood
    • That disproves the young earth theoryfuturefood
    • Another example I like to use is Entropy, or the second law of thermodynamics to disprove that a god existsfuturefood
    • The natural process from order to disorder and the direction of time.
      Since this process seems to be outside of a god’s ability to control...
    • It should beg the question why would a god start a process like this to begin with? What purpose would it serve him as a creator who needs to be worshipped?futurefood
    • Simple, because there was no god there to do it.futurefood
    • Nathan’s example also refers to entropyfuturefood
    • Thanks for the reply Futurefood. You’ll get no disagreement from me that there are thousands of examples that prove young earthers...Morning_star
    • ..are foolish to expect anything productive when challenging science. However, Nathan’s example doesn’t provide a reason for them to change their mind...Morning_star
    • Whilst his example would be appropriate if he claimed that the universe is 4000 years old. However the Lead he talks about could have come to earth via a...Morning_star
    • ..collision with a lead rich asteroid. A better example would be the seasonal ice layers iwhich you can physically measure that go back 800,000 years.Morning_star
    • The lead in the asteroid is also old AF though. Also, asteroids.monospaced
    • Whatever mono. The point is that the question referenced EARTH and the answer didn’t. Be accurate or be wrong.Morning_star
    • Well, when asteroids become meteors, as in they hit earth, they are relevant. Off the top of my head, the Barringer Crater in Arizona is about 50,000 years oldgarbage
    • The Yarrabubba impact site in Australia is estimated to be at least two million years old, and that's a conservative estimate.garbage
    • I'm still confused as to why anybody is defending YEC. It's not elitist to call a moron a moron. It's called having a brain.garbage
    • Not defending YEC, criticising Nathans answer because it doesn’t make sense. And, pointing out the smug backslapping the QBN ‘enlightened’ seem to enjoy.Morning_star
    • Being right and saying so isn't "smug backslapping". It's being educated. I also have no idea who Nathan is.garbage
    • But point in the right direction. We pat bottoms here - we're no slackjawed slapbacks.garbage
    • Nathan is the chap who replied to the original ‘change my mind’ question.Morning_star
    • I think the earth is only two days older than the universe and two days younger than the bible. Take that satanists!_niko
    • I'm not sure someone from "Christians Against Science" was ever really open to having their mind changed.MrT
    • If you fancy the experiencing the knots these YEC types tie themselves up in have a look at this...Ken Ham & Bill Nye touring the Ark Encounter...Morning_star
    • Religion is not logical. Don't try to disprove religion with logic. It's not possible.jagara
    • Oh, that's some negative points for Nye at even entertaining a conversation with someone so irrevocably stupid as Ken Ham.garbage
    • To describe Ken Ham as stupid is stupid. He may be delusional, he may be so devoted to his beliefs that nothing can persuade him otherwise. It’s faith...Morning_star
    • ..So it’s not be consistent with your world view. Why do you care? And, to arrogantly criticise Nye as though you are the only arbiter of truth is just as...Morning_star
    • ...closed minded as Ham.Morning_star
    • I think you're mistaking me for some Nye fanboy. Ham believes the earth is 6000 years old. Ham can't grasp the most basic tenets of evolution.garbage
    • Ham is an overconfident moron whose bread and butter is children, young and old. You can't possibly posit him as an intellectual.garbage
  • neverscared1

    • Iranian Scientist discovers way to detect cancers and other diseases by using AI to analyze your breath much like dogs do.
      The west hates him.
    • lol sorry mate but that video needed a headline_niko
  • neverscared4

    Never-Repeating Tiles Can Safeguard Quantum Information

    Two researchers have proved that Penrose tilings, famous patterns that never repeat, are mathematically equivalent to a kind of quantum error correction.…

    • that's so damn cool, just beautiful. I've been fascinated by Penrose tilings, this useful application of it is groundbreaking and potentially world-altering._niko
  • neverscared1

    Huge Study Confirms Viagra Cuts Alzheimer's Risk by Over 50%…

    • They want us to be on the blue pill.
      *Tinfoil hat*
    • it's almost like getting laid is good for our wellbeing. Mad isnt it?Ianbolton