How would you make this?

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  • 26 Responses
  • Jordy0

    First of all spooky, what's wrong being nice and just helping one out, instead of acting like you know better anyways? (even when you might be right)

    And yes you were right about the isometric grid, in the rush I just said perspective because isometric is also "a perspective".

    This is all going to be coded in Flash or Flex depending on what suits better and where the data has to come from. Developers are prototyping as we speak.

    Turned out that I did have to draw it (in illustrator), from the start with an isometric grid. It's starting to get there and I'm actually kind of achieving the result I was looking for. But then again there's nothing wrong with just asking and seeing of there's any other way of doing this. Though, I agree that I had to be a bit more explanatory at the start.

    For the record illustrator crashed because i tried to blend to lines in 15 steps and rotate that in 3d and preview it in between. (It's legal though)

    Thanks for the help everyone.

  • OSFA0

    start by learning german?

  • Koopsy0

    Jordy, I don't understand why you have taken against my contributions in this thread. You asked if there was an easier way of doing it because your attempts caused your computer to crash. I merely replied that I couldn't see anything in there that would cause a computer to crash and then later on I merely pointed out the obvious fact that if you were not looking to create this as a live graph style then you would need to draw it as a graphic.

    What's your beef with me?

  • stewdio0

    @Jordy: The way you put that: "we already have _the_ programmers doing it all in house" really frustrates me. I know it's my fault for getting upset about it because I live in a bubble where code and art are not separable entities. That doesn't mean my life is constrained to new technologies or screens, it's just a way of approaching new problems and opportunities.

    Good programmers can also be good designers. To assume that because someone codes they should be slave to another's "graphic brilliance" is appalling. I don't think this is the point you were consciously making but it is hidden between your words. I frequently run up against this prejudice that coders are artless left-brained grunt workers; simply tool pushers. Admittedly some are. But for me the worst project heartaches occur when a manager (designer or otherwise) has no knowledge of the tools yet dictates design demands to a technically skilled designer being treated as a grunt worker with no authorship. Large projects that suffer from this inevitably fail.

    You're working on data visualizations. DATA VISUALIZATIONS. You don't hand-draw these. You don't "mock these up" in Illustrator because that actually takes forever and you can't remodel it on the fly. Instead you code the algorithms like wrapping your hands around clay. Debugging means reshaping, pushing and pulling the code to find the form that was always waiting inside. Coding is sculpture.

    I can understand why you're defensive. It's a bit scary to be in over your head. You should cool off with Spooky [Koopsy] and humble yourself a bit. Your "Developers" who are prototyping for you are doing the real work. You're just along for the ride. I'm not being a new-technology-elitist here. A typesetter from centuries ago would be just as skeptical of a hot-headed illustrator bossing them around the press.

  • Jordy0

    @stewdio: I don't really get what all the fuss is about .. I never said programmers can't be designers or vice versa, I actually know quite a few .. and i love working with them. No need to convince me here. But I do need to draw the graph as an example initially for visual look and feel, colors, line style, transparencies, etc..

    @Spooky, it's fine, maybe I just took it the wrong way. There's no beef. It was just the way you said things and the "interesting" things you noticed that could've been perceived in multiple ways. Anyways .. not looking for an argument here.

    Here's one on me for both of you:

    Let's leave it to this alright.

  • Hurley0

    trace each individual shape.